The TWISTED book blurb is officially complete!!??

TWISTED is a New Adult Contemporary Romance with a Paranormal Twist.  I edited the book blurb.  Then I edited it again.  Now, after rewriting it today, I think it is finally complete.

Here it is!!

This is the first time I have brought one of my stories to this point of completion.  Within the next month or so, I hope to have finished my final edit (I’ve said this so many times before), so I can self-publish online.  I’m doing it this time.

I’m not against changing the blurb if you have any suggestions or concerns.  Please, please give me your honest opinion.  Is it something you would pick up and read?  Do you think it could make it in the world of self-published novels?

On a sidenote, I’m also looking to find a pre-made e-book cover.  I’ve been searching online for someone who can design my cover without me breaking the bank.  If you’ve had any luck in this department or know anyone who does this for a reasonable price, please pass on the word.  🙂


  1. I like the blurb, I will probably be willing to buy the book 🙂 Three things – are you interested in publishing anywhere when you self-publish? You can use Novelnook, you’ll get every penny from your book selling there AND you are free to sell it elsewhere. My other question is, what kind of cover are you looking for and what is a reasonable price? I’ve not seen any for below $100. I am thinking I will be making my own just because I can’t afford to pay someone for a cover AT ALL, lol. And third…congrats on being near to finish!


    1. I was planning on using Smashwords, with hopes of landing a publishing company after they see how awesome the story is. lol It would then be distributed to Amazon, Kobo, etc. and you get a healthy share of the proceeds. As for the cover, that’s the main thing holding me up right now. My hubby doesn’t want me to spend a penny until I see a penny, so I’m thinking of buying a pre-made cover. I’ve found a couple of decent ones for $50 plus tax. Decent, but not excellent. This is still iffy for me because I’d really like to invest in a good cover. (I had the hot cover model arranged and everything!!) We’ll see. Being reasonable though, I’m likley going to get an affordable cover now and upgrade if and when the book makes me a little bit of money.

      Thanks for your support! 🙂


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