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Love heart uidaodjsdsew

Love heart uidaodjsdsew (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Thank you so much for all your support!! Whether you have purchased my book, shared the news or given me your writing advice from your informative and inspiring blogs, you’ve all been a major part of my self-publishing journey thus far, whether you realize it or not. For that I thank you.

What a humbling experience to sell so many books in such a short period of time. I only wonder what sales will look like in one month’s time. Unfortunately I can’t see into the future, though that would be pretty cool if I could.

There is one thing that would rest my mind though… to get a couple of reviews out there.  For those of you who have purchased, read and enjoyed TWISTED, I wonder if I could trouble you to leave a review on Amazon, Goodreads and/or Smashwords. Your opinion matters to me and I’d love to hear from you. J

If you don’t have time to leave a review, a rating is just as helpful.  Or, if you haven’t checked it out yet, the first 20% of the story is free on Smashwords now.  Take a look when you have a chance.

Thanks again for all of your encouragement and inspiration, and good luck to you in your own endeavours.

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