Review: I’m With You by Glenna Maynard

This is my 5 Star review of I’m With You by Glenna Maynard.

Gripping romance with a paranormal twist; my fav.  Cutter is my man.  He gives Bella exactly what she needs to help her cope with her depression after watching her sort-of boyfriend fall to his death.  Add to that her boyfriend has a twin brother and you just know there is going to be trouble.

i'm with you

The emotions in this story go way beyond the mental anguish one suffers when dealing with a sudden death.  It delves deeper into Bella’s mind, sharing her innermost fears and feelings, and exposing her tendencies to injure herself physically.  She blames herself for the death of Harlan and cuts herself intentionally in an attempt to bleed out the guilt, release the poison surrounding her heart and to make her feel something for a change; anything.

Cutter makes her feel in a whole new way.  I loved that.

If you can handle vulgar language and emotional torture from following Bella’s suicidal notions, then you should give this story a try.  Be prepared for a twist that’ll rip out your heart; but Glenna will put it back together with duck tape, so it’s all good. 😉


ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Image of Glenna Maynard

A mother by day and writer by night. When Glenna isn’t writing or spending time with family you can usually find her curled up reading a great book. She has a passion for romance and paranormal reads.

Glenna was born and raised in the beautiful hills of Eastern Ky where she still resides today. Her hobbies include reading, writing, scrap-booking, and cooking.

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