Blog Hop: My Writing Process

When I was asked to join in the MY WRITING PROCESS blog tour by two fellow authors, how could I say no?! Thanks to Jennifer Ammoscato and Gabbie S. Duran for including me. Two fabulous authors right there, with very different writing styles. You should give them each a look, whether you’re into a witty dose of chick-lit or a heart-wrenching romance, they’ve got you covered.

My Writing Process

I’m told I have to answer four specific questions. And I will. But, since Jennifer broke the rules, I figure it’s okay for me to have a free-for-all too. Rather than list the question and follow it with an answer (boorring), I’m just going to have at it. Here goes!

ORGANIZED CHAOS!!! notebook - twisted desire

That’s me. I keep an overall storyline in mind and go hog-wild with it. Let me share a couple of photos with you, which will help you to better understand my madness. The first image to the right is my electronic notebook. Those are just the stories I have hard core ideas for. Those stories must happen. That’s proof right there why it takes me so long to finish anything! And that’s not even the whole of it.

I’m constantly jotting down notes. When a thought comes into my mind, I mentally catalogue it into a story I have in the works. Keep in mind I use the term jot lightly. Most of my notes are written in a fit of inspiration, in a scrawl that even I have a hard time later deciphering. Those notes eventually get entered into my electronic notebook with a mess of other notes under its working book title. In each book tab you’ll find images, quotes, songs… anything that reminds me of my story or inspires me to write more. I won’t come back and organize that file until I’m ready to give it some form and prepare it for writing in MS Word.

You’ve Been Promoted

Now… onto when the story finally gets promoted, like TWISTED DESIRE has been most recently. I take all of those notes I’d been taking and break them down, naming each chapter to relate it to the scene therein. If the story has two perspectives, I try to give each character their fair share of the spotlight. “HIS” means from Harley’s perspective and “HER” means from Aliah’s. This is my way of sorting through the craziness that is my mind.

chapters - twisted desireJust so you know, you should feel special right now. I haven’t shared this chapter breakdown with anyone, not even my street team! When I read those headings, I know exactly what happens in that chapter. Not that you care, but the chapter heading “Incinerated” was originally “Incinerated Panties” until my daughter mis-read it out loud. “Mom, what does IN-KIN-ERATED PANTIES mean?” I instantly removed “panties” so I wouldn’t have to dance around that topic with her again. Yeah. She’s turning nine next week.

Why are my stories different than others in the new adult genre?

I think I have a very unique voice and an easy going writing style that allows readers to connect easily to my characters. My ideas are my own, wholly created from events I’ve witnessed or imagined, with a whack of fiction weaved in there for flavour. My stories contain unbelievably amazing alpha men that make you swoon and sassy heroines who give them a run for their money. Let’s be real for a minute. My hubby has his moments, but he can’t keep that shit up… not like my Eddie in the Twisted Trilogy.  😉


Sorry in advance.  I find myself swearing a lot and I apologize for that. Not very classy.  But I’ve been writing Aliah’s story, and to be frank she’s a sassy b**ch. Harley swings back equally as hard (with his words), and I’m finding it hard to break out of that Rated-R writing style.  I’d be lying if I didn’t admit it’s kinda fun. 😀

I write what I like to read.

I started writing, in fact, because I was angry how the romances I was reading were ending (then I wrote Twisted, HAH!, with a cliffhanger and a love triangle) Brilliant, Christa. Sheer genius. I now understand how those stories happened.  Hunger Games.  Grrrr.  Your characters make you do it!

Honestly though, I enjoy a good romantic suspense with a strong alpha hero and a confident, sassy heroine. While I write strictly contemporary romances, I love reading historical, westerns and paranormal romances as well.

I think I’ve covered all bases of MY WRITING PROCESS, so let me tell you about a couple of ladies who are up next on the tour.

Sara V. Zook

Sara V. Zook is a paranormal/fantasy writer. She is author of the Strange in Skin Trilogy, Clipped, Evanescent, Book 1 in the Sempiternal Series, and A Magic Within, being released June 18, 2014. She lives in Pennsylvania with her three small children and husband. You can find her on her website at or on her blog at

 C.S. Janey a.k.a. Violet Haze

C.S. Janey is a romance novelist who also writes under the pen name Violet Haze (ooh la la). You can get Violet’s first book for free (but first you should like this post, hee hee). She is author of Surrender To You, Love Renewed and Sugar Baby Lies. Check out the Luna series by Violet Haze for a romance of the erotic variety. 😉 You can find her here or find her steamier persona on Amazon:

Check each of them out when you have the chance.  Thanks for stopping by!

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