And the winner is…

Thanks to everyone who participated in the contest! A winner has been randomly selected and I’ll even give you a little teaser.



Congrats lady. You’re the winner. Your name will be featured in Matt’s story, Beautifully Broken!

Here’s a quick sample of your role!! 😀 😀

Excerpt from Beautifully Broken: (subject to change)

Naked pretty princess among leavesMatt can’t keep his eyes off Felicia. She’s smiling and happy; just gorgeous. He feels like a stalker. His eyes assault her, taking in all that radiance and exploiting it every chance he gets. They don’t exchange any more words, but she knows he watches her. And yet she still ignores him. That is exactly what keeps him planted firmly on his feet, with a glass of whiskey in hand. He swirls what’s left of the liquid in the bottom of the glass and makes it disappear in one swallow. He slams the glass onto the makeshift bar, which announces to everyone that he is done. The floosy who’s been following him around all day slides up behind him without notice and suddenly the blond man has an arm wrapped around Felicia’s waist. The fury that unravels within Matt’s chest is monstrous, just begging to be released, but he harnesses it and glances away. Felicia had told him it is nothing and he believes it. He smiles with the knowledge that the only shivering she does in that guy’s presence is with repulsion. “Matthew Knight, are you hiding from me?” Destiny’s cousin asks him. Matt looks around dramatically. “There’s hardly anywhere for me to hide around here.” He wishes there were. The girl is good looking, but she can’t take a hint. “I’m sorry, what did you say your name was again?” “Krystle.” “Right. How could I forget?” He smiles at her but quickly looks for an exit. break me What do you think so far?  Edits are coming along nicely. The book should be in my editor’s  hands in a matter of days! Woo!


  1. Hey lady!!!

    I LOVE the snippet you sent out in the email and the teasers. Are the teasers okay to share or would you rather I wait?

    Besides trying to get the book to the editor, how are you and the family doing? I go for a test to make sure my uterus looks good from my surgery I had done last month on Tuesday. Praying it all looks good. If it does, I get to start my IVF drug protocols after Jan 10th!

    ~ Melissa

    Please excuse any grammatical errors as this message was sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Share away! I’m always happy for you to share excerpts or teasers I’ve posted publicly. Me and the fam are great. Not ready for Christmas though! I really need to get on that. Lol.

      I hope everything has gone as planned for you. ❤ You're in my prayers, Melissa.


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