Cover Reveal: A Raven’s Touch by Linda Bloodworth

Check out the cover for A Raven’s Touch by Linda Bloodworth!



Bullied through high school, seventeen-year-old Justice St. Michaels is grateful for the help of her best friend Moira O’Fhey. Their only wish is to graduate high school, leave the sleepy town of Fallingbrook and all that happened behind them. The Heavens have other plans. Between growths on her back and being involved in explosive school fights, nothing seems to make sense. When an unexpected encounter with Darien Raventhorn causes worlds to collide it exposes the truth about who Justice’s real identity. To avenge a family death, Justice must embrace her birthright, and slay the demon before all Hell breaks loose.

Ready for the reveal?






Here we go!

A Raven's Touch by Linda Bloodworth
What you can expect in A Raven’s Touch . . .

Adventure, friendship, and bit of romance mixed into a very different kind of paranormal story. It’s not the formulaic story where there’s one type of paranormal hero. Be prepared for Half Angels, Witches, Elves, demons, and a dragon for good measure.


My nerves start taking hold,  and I tremble slightly.

“I will protect you with all that I am. No harm will come to  you,” Darien says.

I look Darien’s way, and he risks a quick glance from the road. For that brief moment, our eyes connect, and I see him—really see him—and he’s scared. No way I’m going to let anyone else I care about get hurt.

“Seliki is the one who should be worried,” I crack my knuckles. A flash of heat runs wickedly through my body. The entire car heats up, and Darien lifts his arm to shield himself.

“Save your heat for Seliki. Kindly try not to cook my car seats, thank you,” he says, teasing me.


Add A Raven’s Touch to your TBR pile.

Get your Pre-Order on Amazon! 

cop scene

A little about the author . . .

Linda Bloodworth loves chips, like really, ketchup to be exact. Ketchup chips are only found in Canada (like me). Lucky for Linda she lives in Toronto with her husband and three fur babies. In between writing, debating for hours about the Oxford comma, and the misunderstood semi colon; Linda enjoys camping and getting away from the city on day trips.

Connect with Linda:
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If you’ve missed the pre-order, don’t worry, the official release day is December 28, 2015!

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