The first month of 2016 is almost over, and what better way to celebrate than with a 50% off sale–fully supported by Kobo? Read on for more particulars of this amazing sale and see what this means for my newest release!


This special sale started on January 28th and ends on Sunday, January 31st, 2016. It is valid in Canada, United States, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

Customers can redeem 50% off any title published by Kobo Writing Life (KWL) using the promo code JAN1650 an unlimited number of times starting yesterday—so please, let your friends and family know about this incredible opportunity to stack up on eBooks while they can!

As you may know, all my titles are currently available at Kobo, but I published many of them through Smashwords, and only two are on KWL (published directly with Kobo). What does this mean for titles by Christa Simpson? It means you can pick up Twisted today for FREE–but get this: TOUGH LUCK is only $0.50! Can you beat that price anywhere?! No!!! The bonus is that I still make full royalties, so everyone wins!

Get your copy of Tough Luck at the lowest price ever, but get it fast because the deal ends tomorrow!

white book

Still here? Comment down below whether you have a Kobo account and how frequently you use it. If not Kobo, where do you typically do your e-reading?


  1. Clicked on your Massive Sale links for Twisted and Tough Luck. Got message from Kobo: “Sorry, this item is no longer available. “You can look for other items by this author or about this topic using the Search bar above.”

    Did a Search on your name and got 99 pages of authors with the name “Christa”, but not yours. Seems all of your books have been banned/pulled.

    Next went to their Erotica books and was surprised Kobo kept books with other/similar subjects. Personally am not a fan of students and teachers together…that was there many times. Also not a fan of parent’s best friend together…there even more of them. Of course, there were various people with the sitters. I could go on, but it seems Kobo does not follow its own rules. It’s very possible the “right” people complained and that got you banned.

    Wish you luck…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks Sheila. After what happened with Tough Luck, my other books fell in their ranks. I can only expect they were getting less visibility because they were categorized for adults. I recently pulled them from Kobo (just this month!) to try my luck with Kindle Unlimited.

    I changed Tough Luck’s subtitle to “A Forbidden Romance”, but once banned always banned. My book is mild, to put it lightly, compared to some of the stepbrother romances with “stepbrother” right in the title that are currently being sold on Kobo. I gave them my position, but it wasn’t good enough. I’m not one to throw another author under the bus, so I left the hoard of other titles alone. Someone must have specifically reported mine. Oh well. I hit bestseller in two categories there before they took my title down. 😊


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