Twitter’s New Character Limit Change

There has been rumor that Twitter will be making a major change in how it counts characters in TWEETS moving forward.

Twitter - new character change 2016

Links currently account for 23 characters of the 140 character limit. Rumor has it that Twitter Inc. will soon stop counting photos and links as part of its 140-character limit in as soon as two weeks time!

Bloomberg’s report credits “a person familiar with the matter” for spilling the beans. Oops! Let’s hope this person is correct.

I don’t know about you, but I welcome this change! It will give Twitter users more freedom to compose a complete message without having to use shortened words and disjointed sentences when the words just won’t fit.

While I love the short and sweet display of information on Twitter, which has been the thing that sets this social media company apart from all the rest, I can appreciate the need to add a few extra characters into the mix to stay competitive with the other big-guns like Facebook, Pinterest and Google PlusEspecially with the new GIF option on my Twitter app. Love those darn things.

How do you feel about the proposed change? Do you think this is a move in the right direction for Twitter? Let me know in the comments down below.

For more social media updates, marketing tips and other writerly things, join me on Twitter! I follow-back all non-spammy writers, bloggers and entrepreneurs!


  1. That’ll be awesome!
    I’m really new to twitter, u have a few months worth my account and I really struggle with the words I chose to share my message. Assourdissant when I found out that images “consume” the number of words I have available power texts.
    As you mentioned, I appreciate that twitts are up to the point texts. But sometimes I need one more word.
    Let’s see what happens.

    Liked by 1 person

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