My Not-so-secret NaNoWriMo Project

For those of you who don’t know #NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. The entire point of the program is for writers to start a new novel on November 1, track their progress, and write a 50,000 word novel in a month!

NaNoWriMo Icon

I didn’t sign up on the formal website, because I wanted to spend my time writing rather than worrying about how to track it on their site. Instead, I secretly opened a new OneNote Notebook electronically, in preparation I outlined the entire story from start to finish with bullet points of what has to happen when, so on November 1st I could get down to business.

Oh, wow, did my plan ever work!

Guess who won NaNoWriMo at 1:04 a.m. this morning?

Novembers are always hectic for me, but this year I decided to take the plunge and join hundreds of thousands of writers who do this every year. You won’t believe which story I’ve written!

Perfectly Ruined!

Beautiful young couple in love in evening dresses posing at stud

Book 3 in the Destiny Series is well on its way to completion. All three stories stand alone, although the backstory builds with each book, so you’re smart to read them in order.

As of 1:04 a.m. my manuscript reached 50,167 words. That’s not including the bullet points for the remaining chapters, and sections that I skipped ahead to write! For example, I already wrote the ending, and oh boy will it knock your socks off. This one’s a true romance. Carter Knight is going to pull out all the stops in this one.

If you’ve read Beautifully Broken, then maybe you remember the fun wedding scene wherein Carter was showing you his dirty dancing skills with a garter in his teeth. Yeah, well, he’s back with a vengeance! This firefighter is surely going to heat up your nights. You’re going to need him to hose you down when I’m done with this story!


If you know me, you know most of my stories are significantly longer than 50,000 words. This book is no exception. I’m still plugging away at it, but I’m hopeful that this streak can continue and on November 30 I can actually say, I DID IT! First draft complete!

I’ll keep you all posted, but what about you. Would you ever consider doing something like this… writing a novel in a month?

If you’re a writer, are you participating in NaNoWriMo this year? Post your status in the comments!


    1. Thank you! It was all in the pre-planning. I hit a slump for a couple of days this week but I forced myself to keep writing and managed to plow through it. I think I’ll need a month just to catch up on my sleep when I’m done. Lol. Hope your next week of writing is a good one!

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