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Mini Q&A: Author Linda Bloodworth

“The author takes us on an emotional rollercoaster ride… Yes, I know we are heading into hell in this book and the author explains her version of hell with great detail. I was hooked by the end of chapter one… once you finish the first book you will want to dive right into this book… if you want a series that will keep you on the edge of your seat… this is the series for you.”

Patricia, Amazon Reviewer

It’s been four years since Linda Bloodworth released her first book, A Raven’s Touch. Now, she’s releasing the sequel, A Raven’s Revenge. I had the opportunity to ask her a few quick questions about it. Check out what she had to say.

Q: What was your writing process like?

Linda: This time I really took my time to research Hell. If someone were to look up my search history they might be concerned. I looked up demon babies, what happens to suicides, various kinds of demons and much more. While I was writing the story I had a literal come to Jesus moment. I suppose one can’t write about angels and demons without letting the subject matter seep in. I lost track of how many times I was sidetracked, going down the rabbit hole to say, and it lead to deep conversations about why we’re here and where we’re going. (more…)