Kids Stuff!!

Raise a Reader

My girls play a BIG part in my life. Although I don’t talk about them too often on here, today is going to be one HUGE exception! Can I just say how proud I am of them? They’ve inspired me to write this post tonight. Both of them came home with a spelling test and each had earned a perfect score! When I asked the oldest how the rest of her grade 4 class did, she reluctantly admitted that most did significantly worse than her. Look at those words… there are some tough ones in there!

Then there’s my youngest. She’s in the bottom grade of a grade 2/3 split class. She tried the optional bonus word (for the grade 3’s in her class) and even got that correct! I was so happy I did up a little photo to show you. 😀 😀

I have to believe that their success stems from our love of reading. (more…)

Classroom Chaos

Classroom Chaos

This is a book review from my little sweet heart Jenica. She is 7 years old and just finished reading the novel Magic Kitten – Classroom Chaos.

There’s Classroom Chaos when fluffy black and white kitten Flame appears at lonely Abi’s boarding school!

“In the beginning, there was a mean girl named Keera at the boarding school and she had to share a room with Abi. Then Abi got put with a nicer girl named Sasha because Keera was being mean to her and doesn’t have anything in common with Abi. Now Keera got put with Tiwa and Marsha because they had lots of stuff in common. All three of those girls were mean. They said there was an old lady grey ghost, which was weird because ghosts aren’t real.