Amazon Kindle

Reader Review Team

Ready to read and review?
Download and enjoy Tough Luck (A Forbidden Romance) at no cost to you!

Dustin Miller is off limits . . .

I know it’s not right to pine for this man, but he’s the one wielding all the power, controlling my body with a single menacing look. He tells me he can be my dark little secret and I’m honestly having a hard time saying no.

I can’t resist him . . .

I’m supposed to be the good-girl librarian, but when I meet a wealthy bad boy with impossibly dark eyes, a beautiful chaos ensues. I tell him it’s a mistake. I demand a do-over. But he has something else in mind. I know I should say no—absolutely not. I should turn around, walk away and never look back. But what do you think happens when he’s a “get what I want, when I want” kind of guy and what he wants is me?

WARNING: This story has vulgar language and explicit adult situations and is for readers 18+ ONLY.

Download Tough Luck from Amazon for FREE on September 25 or 26, 2016.


Here’s all you need to do:

1. Download Tough Luck from Amazon for FREE between September 25 and 26, 2016.

2. Read the book. Simple! Hey, you might even like it.

3. Write a review on Amazon by 5:00 p.m. EST on Monday, October 3, 2016. It doesn’t have to be anything particularly long. All I ask is that you leave an honest, spoiler-free review. Need help? What did you think of the characters, the forbidden relationship, the mystery? Were you entertained? Was there anything that struck you as memorable? Is there a reason why another reader might enjoy the book?

4. Fill out this Google form. This is how you receive credit and are entered to win the $10 Amazon Gift Card(s). How many are up for grabs? That depends on the number of verified reviews. For every 25 reviews, there will be one gift card given away. I’ll share in my Facebook Group the running tally of reviews to keep it exciting!

5. The winners will be selected and announced in my Facebook Group. It’s a closed group, but new members are always welcome and encouraged. Participate as little or as much as you like!

Enter to win!

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Have a Heart

Broken heart symbol
Broken heart symbol (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

My heart hurts. It’s true. I have been blissfully ignorant of one thing while I attempted to take the next step on my publishing journey. Book reviews.  I always knew that there would be others reviewing my story and my writing skills once I got my book out there, but never could I imagine the emotions flowing through me after reading each one.

I tell myself to quit checking them, but I can’t help it. I know certain reviews could potentially make me a better writer for addressing each of their concerns, but I hadn’t considered the fact that some people forget that authors are only human and have feelings too. Especially those with private accounts and unidentifiable screen names. How convenient for them. (more…)