
DOUBLE Cover Reveal: A Raven’s Revenge by Linda Bloodworth

It’s been four long years since Linda Bloodworth released her first book, A Raven’s Touch. Today, I’m revealing two new covers for her with special news to follow!

A Raven’s Touch
Justice St. Michaels has a secret. Not only is she the Heaven’s chosen one, but none of her friends are even human. Justice meets mysterious stranger, Darien Raventhorn who says she holds the key to his curse. To avenge a family death, Justice must embrace her birthright, and slay a demon before all Hell breaks loose.

A snippet of A Raven’s Touch:

It started two days ago.

Every night, I hoped to wake up in my bed. Instead, the sound of rushing water always caught my attention. Tiny droplets of mist kissed my skin. Pine needles pricked my bare feet as I shuffled along. This certainly wasn’t my bedroom. The ever-shifting twilight surrounded me. What was I doing in the Rouge Valley forest, again?

A streak of pain crackled through my body, and my head snapped forward. I let out a scream as my back burned like it was on fire. A flock of small birds took to the sky, causing the leaves to shudder. I hugged myself as if I could stop the throbbing. My entire body felt like a fresh wound. With tears in my eyes, I looked up to the Heavens for guidance, but the silence was deafening. To my left, little feet hopped through the bush. I could only imagine what I must have looked like, with long, black hair strung about my pale face, and the dark circles I’d had of late. I’d run away from me, too.

I staggered and wobbled my way to the closest tree, since my feet were half-asleep and not cooperating. The minute my back made contact with the rough bark, a fresh surge of pain bloomed, and I breathed fast and hard to stop myself from passing out.

“Please, just stop,” I begged through the tears.

For a blessed moment, the pain subsided. I let out a deep breath of gratitude. Slowly, something trickled down my back. That didn’t feel like sweat. My hand scrambled like a live wire to investigate. Immediately I felt my fingers become covered in blood, and the rich smell of copper flooded my senses. My fingers circled around to find two bone-hard lumps. Investigating further I felt around them, and I figured they were each the size of a split English muffin. Not too large, but definitely there. I was bleeding again.

“What the…?” I pushed myself off the tree, and my stomach churned from the wet-Velcro sound.

The sun was starting to peek through the tall pines. I was about half a mile from my house. I stepped away from the tree and bit back the urge to throw up. I didn’t even want to think about my blood- crusted back. I had to get home. Every bone in my body wanted to rest, but there was no way I was staying here. Thank goodness the county voted for street lamps, or I really would be lost. My shadow on the pavement stretched far and danced out to the next spotlight. The one-dimensional version of myself was footloose and fancy-free. What I wouldn’t give to not have dangerous night-walking spells.

Soon enough, I was walking up my driveway and heading for the side door. My hand wrapped around the handle, and I quietly pushed the door open. Living in the boonies, we’d never locked our doors, and at this point, I was grateful for small favors. I avoided the squeaking tiles and tiptoed up the stairs to my bedroom, then headed straight into my bathroom. I stripped off my clothes, leaving them like a breadcrumb trail to the shower. As I tried to remove my T-shirt, I winced; my back muscles hurt so bad I almost screamed out. Finally, I managed to shimmy the shirt over my head. The back was ripped and reeked of copper. Wrinkling my nose in disgust, I balled it up and tossed it in the garbage. (more…)

Read Local: CK Author Festival

Exciting news! Chatham-Kent’s local authors are being brought together for a meet and greet, and I’ve been invited to join in on the fun!

Please join me and 13 other authors at the CK Author Festival on November 19 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m., at the Chatham-Kent Public Library – Chatham Branch, to support and celebrate reading local!

No purchase necessary, but I will have books available for purchase if you’re looking to get an autographed paperback!


Jaded Little Lies by Christina Channelle

Check out the promo tour for the first full-length novel in Christina’s new adult contemporary series. 

18707455Series: Four Letters #1

Release date: May 15th 2015

Purchase: Amazon


Synopsis via Goodreads:

What do you do when the love of your life is halfway across the world? 


If you’re Jade Reamer, you fill that void with writing depressing song lyrics, hanging out with asshole exes, and re-reading your dead best friend’s diary (morbid, anyone?).


My Two-Year Indie-versary!!!

Guess what today marks?!? It’s my two-year indie-versary!!!

I’ve been published for two whole years now. A little scary when you look at it that way, really! I didn’t throw some huge bash or anything, but I have been wanting to do something to celebrate such an accomplishment. You’re probably wondering what that means to you!

Book Collage Incl website

As a thank you to my loyal fans and followers for sticking with me, I’m offering the first book in the Destiny Series, FINDING DESTINY, FREE!!!

That’s right! 100% FREE!!! No strings attached.


Of course, like any author, I’d love you long time if you were to enjoy the book and leave a rating/review on Goodreads, Amazon, and/or your sales channel(s) of choice! And now that Amazon has changed their policy to allow super short reviews, why wouldn’t you?!

Cute blonde lady with soft skin

For those of you super loyal fans who’ve already read, reviewed and enjoyed Finding Destiny and haven’t yet had the opportunity to purchase Beautifully Broken, Matty and Felicia’s story in the Destiny Series, I have a SPECIAL OFFER for you!!! Here’s what you have to do, if you’d like a free kindle copy of my latest book:

  1. Add my publisher to your list of approved senders;
  2. Email them the link to your Amazon review for Finding Destiny;
  3. Request an e-copy of Beautifully Broken with a promise to read, rate and review the story within 90 days after receipt.

That’s it!! That’s all you have to do!*

If you’re extra sneaky, you can read and review Finding Destiny for free now and get the next book in the series free too by making your request!!! This offer is open to followers of this blog only! – and will expire in thirty days, so act now! 

*Black Widow Publishing reserves the right to refuse this offer to any reader for any reason, in its sole discretion.

closeup of a young business man fixing his tie while looking at

If you prefer paperbacks, I have a Rafflecopter GIVEAWAY happening right now! Enter for your chance to win!

Thanks to you all, from the bottom of my heart, for helping me make my dream a reality! ❤ ❤

Release Day Blitz: Beautifully Broken by Christa Simpson

IT’S RELEASE DAY, BABY!bb banner - release day blitz

Matt is good at fixing things . . . but he quickly learns that people are a little more difficult to put back together.

Matthew Knight is a ladies man. He’s as handsome as he is sinister, with a natural charm that wows the skirt off every woman he passes. Having already had a piece, Felicia knows how dangerous it can be getting too close to all that raw masculine power. If she’s learned anything from their scandalous weekend together, it is that spontaneity leads to chaos. Still choking on guilt from his untimely accident, she refuses to let him in. Matt wants in, and he can be very persuasive.

He will do anything to ruffle Felicia’s feathers and she will stop at nothing to hide how much she enjoys it every time he does. He refuses to surrender until she caves and gives him what he wants —what he’s wanted all this time —her.

When the pair reunite, their chemistry explodes off the charts, but can Felicia harness her frozen emotions and resist him? Although Matt comes armed with all the right words, can he prove to her that she means more to him than another weekend rendezvous? Witness the power struggle and see who comes out on top.

NOW AVAILABLE! (Sale price!)

E-book Links:

| Amazon | Smashwords | iBooks | Kobo | Barnes & Noble |

Paperback Links:

| Amazon | Createspace | Autographed |

closeup of a young business man fixing his tie while looking at


Matt wakes with a beautiful woman curled up next to him. He wraps her in his arms and holds her tightly. He’d given her the entire day and night to think. He quit with the tricks of seduction and they’d spent a good amount of time just talking and hiking and swimming. He had to keep busy to keep his mind straight after all. He has to face the facts. His heart is on the line. If this angel leaves him today, he fears he’ll be miserable for a long time to come.

His stomach twists with anxiety at the thought that she might not want to see him again. No, he can’t think that way. She has to want more. She is perfect for him.

Matt drags his lips across her neck and presses kisses across her beautiful chest. Felicia’s eyelashes flutter open and she stretches an arm out to the sky with a yawn. She draws her arm back into her body and sinks into him.

Her voice is soft and sleepy. “This is nice.”

Matt growls, drawing from his twisted thoughts. His lips trail down a flat abdomen. “Shut that pretty little mouth. Nice is never a word I want to hear coming out of it while I’m pleasing you.”

He showers wet kisses all over her body. “Amazing. Stunning. Life-altering, fine. But nice?” His tongue dips into her belly button. (more…)

Prologue for Beautifully Broken – Part One

Fine art photo of a woman-angelARC’s of Beautifully Broken went out a matter of days ago and reviews are already starting to come in! I thought I’d share part of the Prologue with you today. If you’ve read the first story in the series, Finding Destiny, you’ll recognize that this Prologue takes you back into the story, giving you the inside scoop of what happens when Matt, Felicia and Natalie take off to rescue Natalie’s truck from a snow bank.

Prologue: Wake Me From This Nightmare

My hands are freezing. It feels like my fingers might fall off if I don’t finish this job soon. It’s funny what a little bit of pussy can do to a man. Felicia has me eating out of the palm of her hand. She wants her friend’s truck fixed. I’m a mechanic. It only follows that I fix the truck, get her friend on the road and get Felicia and her wild ways back in my bed.

I am so eager to get her alone again that I agree to an onsite visit. I open the door to my truck and the three of us cram in. I shift her into four-by-four and we set off past the place where I’d met Felicia a matter of hours earlier. (more…)

Cover Reveal: Beautifully Broken by Christa Simpson

Beautifully Broken by Christa Simpson

Publisher: Black Widow Publishing

Expected Release: February 24, 2015

Genre: New Adult Romance (18+)

in jeans

Matt is good at fixing things…but he quickly learns that people are a little more difficult to put back together.

Matthew Knight is a ladies man. He’s as handsome as he is sinister, with a natural charm that wows the skirt off every woman he passes. Having already had a piece, Felicia knows how dangerous it can be getting too close to all that raw masculine power. If she’s learned anything from their scandalous weekend together, it is that spontaneity leads to chaos. Still choking on guilt from his untimely accident, she refuses to let him in.

Matt wants in, and he can be very persuasive. (more…)

Book Review: Granted Wishes by Tanya Vought

Something magical is happening in New Hope…

Granted Wishes was unlike any other story I’ve read before. The characters are quirky, sweet, determined, stubborn at times, but truly likeable and overall good people who have been dealt a raw deal in life. Gracelynn is worn down from the loss of her husband and it seems no amount of time will heal her broken heart. She still manages to be one spunky gal, who happens to be really good at getting Gio’s boxers in a bunch. When an accident leaves her stranded at his cabin, she has to be careful what she wishes for. Red hair beauty Beautiful young red hair woman holding her hand


My Non-Resolution

I don’t even know if my title makes sense and I don’t feel like Googling it right now, so I won’t. To clear up any confusion, let me tell you what I mean. 🙂 🙂

It’s the time of year when everyone seems to be setting goals and striving to meet them. Many of us are thinking up some fantastic New Year’s Resolutions to boost our spirits and light a fire under our asses. Lucky for me, I started my goal of eating healthier last month and so I can strike that from my list of unsuccessful New Year’s Resolutions.

Pop is the Devil. << no really, it is.


Review: Hidden Truths by Nicole Colville


I’ve read a M/M romance before, but it was nothing compared to this. Nicole is unafraid to push the envelope, her delivery is wholehearted, and she just tells her story like it is… dirty, gritty and erotic. Allow me to reiterate that this story is INCREDIBLY hot. I dared think I could pull the STRAIGHT GIRL move at first and try to picture one of the men as a woman. Nope. Did not work. The incredibly descriptive act of body parts touching just does not allow for it. 1 - hidden truths (more…)