
Blog Hop: My Writing Process

When I was asked to join in the MY WRITING PROCESS blog tour by two fellow authors, how could I say no?! Thanks to Jennifer Ammoscato and Gabbie S. Duran for including me. Two fabulous authors right there, with very different writing styles. You should give them each a look, whether you’re into a witty dose of chick-lit or a heart-wrenching romance, they’ve got you covered.

My Writing Process

I’m told I have to answer four specific questions. And I will. But, since Jennifer broke the rules, I figure it’s okay for me to have a free-for-all too. Rather than list the question and follow it with an answer (boorring), I’m just going to have at it. Here goes!

ORGANIZED CHAOS!!! notebook - twisted desire

That’s me. I keep an overall storyline in mind and go hog-wild with it. Let me share a couple of photos with you, which will help you to better understand my madness. The first image to the right is my electronic notebook. Those are just the stories I have hard core ideas for. Those stories must happen. That’s proof right there why it takes me so long to finish anything! And that’s not even the whole of it.

I’m constantly jotting down notes. When a thought comes into my mind, I mentally catalogue it into a story I have in the works. Keep in mind I use the term jot lightly. Most of my notes are written in a fit of inspiration, in a scrawl that even I have a hard time later deciphering. Those notes eventually get entered into my electronic notebook with a mess of other notes under its working book title. In each book tab you’ll find images, quotes, songs… anything that reminds me of my story or inspires me to write more. I won’t come back and organize that file until I’m ready to give it some form and prepare it for writing in MS Word. (more…)


Look what went live already!! Woop!! Get your copy now!!  You will not be disappointed.


a twist of fate - ebook cover

Abigail finally gets her happy ever after… don’t you want to find out who she chooses?


WITH CAMERON CLARKE SITTING next to me, it was difficult to think of anything intelligible to say.  I couldn’t keep my mischievous eyes off of him.  His short, chaotic blonde hair and beaming baby blues had captured my attention, but it was quickly relinquished when I caught the way his thumb brushed up and down the smooth face of his mug of hot chocolate.

I chewed on my bottom lip, watching the way he caressed the handle, just the way he touched me.  I had to part my lips just to allow a breath to slip between them.  It was amazing how something so simple could tickle me in the most intimate of places. (more…)

Push My Buttons

I pushed that publish button and I liked it. 😉  I’m kidding actually.  My publishing experience this go around was horrific.  My documents for A TWIST OF FATE were all formatted perfectly, exactly as each respective distributor indicated in their guide and yet neither of them were able to process my upload!!

To my relief (and near insanity) they are both now in process for premium distribution.  You can get your copy now on Smashwords or, if you are holding out for Amazon, it will go live anywhere between now and 10 p.m.!!!

a twist of fate - new release



Check this out. My street team: Christa Simpson’s Twisted Sisters. street team1

Join me and my Twisted Sisters on Facebook.  Get exclusive sneak peeks at my writing, cover reveals, story ideas and other special author news.  Get in on member only giveaways and come chat with other members of my street team about everything books!

twisted sisters fb banner

Give Me More!!!

You’ve asked for more of Edwin and Abigail and, in light of Twist & Turn set for release on August 1, 2013, here’s a little taste of what you’ll get…

Twist & Turn by Christa Simpson. Cover by Kellie Dennis of Book Cover By Design.

Twist & Turn by Christa Simpson. Cover by Kellie Dennis of Book Cover By Design.

“I pissed you off?” he said, smirking.

I slapped him playfully.  “Eddie.  You don’t need to jeopardize everything you worked so hard for.  That’s all I’m saying.”

“You’re avoiding the question.  Admit it.”

“I admit that men drive me crazy; especially you.  As for Cam, he’s a mature adult, he can make his own decisions.  He just made the wrong one.”

Edwin laughed, a devious glimmer twinkling in his aqua blue eyes.  “So you’re saying I’m more of a man than him.”


“It’s okay, you don’t have to agree with me, I know it’s true.”

I got up from the couch and shoved him as I passed.  I retrieved a bottle of water from the fridge and returned to the living room, relieved that I didn’t have to be totally miserable all night alone.  That’s when I found Edwin sitting in my spot.  He knew how picky I was about my spot.

“Excuse me,” I scolded.

“What?” he asked, smugly.

“Don’t act like you don’t know.  Get out of my seat!”

“Make me!” he taunted.

“I’ll make you alright.”  I put down my water bottle and yanked on his thick-muscled arms.  He didn’t budge an inch.  “Edwin,” I whined.  “My spot was warm.  Please!” I pleaded.

He sat with his feet planted firmly on the floor and his godly arms folded over his chest.  I yanked and yanked, but he didn’t move.  His smiled curved even higher.

“You asked for it.  Now I’m gonna have to lay the smack down on you,” I announced.

“Oh, I’m scared now.”

Having too much fun to stop, I walked behind the couch, wrapped my arms around his neck and flung myself over the top the sofa.  He willingly submitted to the attack and, though I may have knocked him out of my spot, I unintentionally flattened myself beneath him.

“I see you got your place back,” he growled, softly.

I inadvertently smiled, but secretly wished it didn’t feel so good to be wanted by him.

“I’m gonna kiss you now,” he warned, as he closed his eyes.  He eased closer, then fastened my lips to his with a soft and sensual caress that could only come from Edwin’s mouth.  His large hands drew up my sides and cupped my bare breasts, as though he were worshiping them.

That’s when I pushed him off of me.  “Eddie!  What do you think you’re doing?”

“Mmm,” he moaned, as I awkwardly scrambled to get out from under him.  He couldn’t wipe the wide grin from his face.

“Fine!  You can have my spot!” I snapped.

He laughed, low and rough, and slid aside.  “You can have it.  I already got what I wanted.”

Copyright © 2013 Christa Simpson.  All rights reserved.

More COMING SOON!!! Don’t forget to add my books on your Goodreads shelves!

Twist & Turn:
A Twist of Fate:

Five Fun Things About Me

So you may not know these five things about me, but Cassandra Janey and Papizilla seem to think you might care.  Let me tell you.

1.  I’m a romance writer who fell in love with her hubby at first sight (of his bulging biceps).  He seems to think there’s more to it than that.  We’ll just let him believe that.  Only teasing honey, you know I love you.  😉
I scrap booked him cuz I'm adorable like that.

That’s my hubby.  I scrapbooked him cuz I’m adorable like that.

The Next Big Thing

the-next-big-thing awardI’m told I’ve been nominated for The Next Big Thing award. Twice!! Cool. I guess it’s a blog hop, where writers get to share their WIP and have to nominate a few other writers to do the same. Thanks to Danielle Taylor and Mitch Lavender for nominating me. Here goes nothing.


1) What is the title of your next book?

TWIST AND TURN. I’m currently in the editing phase of book two in The Twisted Trilogy.

ashley greene and kellan lutz arrive push premiere

ashley greene and kellan lutz arrive push premiere (Photo credit: Anthony Citrano)

2) Where did the idea come from for the book?
One day, after reading a series by a new author, I thought ‘I could do that’. So I googled hot celebrities for inspiration and started dreaming up a life for them. My novel 
TWISTED wasn’t ready to be finished, so it quickly became The Twisted Trilogy. 

3) What genre does your project fall under?
New Adult Contemporary Romance with a paranormal twist.

4) What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?
I picture Abigail looking like Minka Kelly.
 For Edwin, I’d like Channing Tatum‘s personality wrapped in Kellan Lutz‘s body. What? I can’t do that? 😉 (more…)

Prologue Or Not Here I Come

Fake car accident. The vehicle on the picture ...

Fake car accident. The vehicle on the picture is an FSO Polonez MR’89. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Here’s my prologue (in rough draft) for TWIST AND TURN, book two in The Twisted Trilogy. I used a prologue to give the readers a glimpse at the paranormal aspect of this novel. I feel that it is very significant and, since my book is written in the first person (Abigail’s perspective), this is a way of seeing it through someone else’s eyes. It’ll tie in later, to make you say ‘whoa’.

So now you know. Abigail’s not crazy. Or maybe she is, for leaving Edwin. But she actually is seeing dead people. (At least one dead person in particular. J



Six years earlier.

TESSA CLARKE WIPED THE tears from her eyes as she sobbed out of control. She was miserable, but certain she was doing the right thing.

“This is my daughter, he’s not taking her from me,” she cried, as she sped away from her home with no intention of turning back.

She squinted through the dirty windshield at the dark night with blurry, enraged eyes and a heavy foot. She dangerously weaved through cars on the highway until she reached her exit. Relief overcame her when she finally passed the City’s boundaries and dirt began to plume behind her on the freshly gravelled country road.

She looked in her rear-view mirror flashing a glance into the back seat. “I finally did it baby. I did it for us,” she said, a soft smile creeping onto her downturned lips.

A sudden flash of red light blinded her as she turned her tired, burning eyes to the oncoming headlights. (more…)

Review This…

I just got to a point while editing TWIST AND TURN, book two in The Twisted Trilogy, where a couple of reviews creeped into my head and tried to make me unbitchify Abby.  I could have cut the entire paragraph out…now, instead of editing this out, I’m leaving it in just to piss ’em off.  😉

To change Abby’s overdramatic sarcasm and bitchy persona is to change Abby.  Can’t do it.  Besides, I love her like that.  Do you think the world is full of all sweet, perfect, non-selfish people?  Puh-lease.  She’s real (in my own twisted little world). (more…)