Black Widow Publishing

Release Day Blitz: Beautifully Broken by Christa Simpson

IT’S RELEASE DAY, BABY!bb banner - release day blitz

Matt is good at fixing things . . . but he quickly learns that people are a little more difficult to put back together.

Matthew Knight is a ladies man. He’s as handsome as he is sinister, with a natural charm that wows the skirt off every woman he passes. Having already had a piece, Felicia knows how dangerous it can be getting too close to all that raw masculine power. If she’s learned anything from their scandalous weekend together, it is that spontaneity leads to chaos. Still choking on guilt from his untimely accident, she refuses to let him in. Matt wants in, and he can be very persuasive.

He will do anything to ruffle Felicia’s feathers and she will stop at nothing to hide how much she enjoys it every time he does. He refuses to surrender until she caves and gives him what he wants —what he’s wanted all this time —her.

When the pair reunite, their chemistry explodes off the charts, but can Felicia harness her frozen emotions and resist him? Although Matt comes armed with all the right words, can he prove to her that she means more to him than another weekend rendezvous? Witness the power struggle and see who comes out on top.

NOW AVAILABLE! (Sale price!)

E-book Links:

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Paperback Links:

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closeup of a young business man fixing his tie while looking at


Matt wakes with a beautiful woman curled up next to him. He wraps her in his arms and holds her tightly. He’d given her the entire day and night to think. He quit with the tricks of seduction and they’d spent a good amount of time just talking and hiking and swimming. He had to keep busy to keep his mind straight after all. He has to face the facts. His heart is on the line. If this angel leaves him today, he fears he’ll be miserable for a long time to come.

His stomach twists with anxiety at the thought that she might not want to see him again. No, he can’t think that way. She has to want more. She is perfect for him.

Matt drags his lips across her neck and presses kisses across her beautiful chest. Felicia’s eyelashes flutter open and she stretches an arm out to the sky with a yawn. She draws her arm back into her body and sinks into him.

Her voice is soft and sleepy. “This is nice.”

Matt growls, drawing from his twisted thoughts. His lips trail down a flat abdomen. “Shut that pretty little mouth. Nice is never a word I want to hear coming out of it while I’m pleasing you.”

He showers wet kisses all over her body. “Amazing. Stunning. Life-altering, fine. But nice?” His tongue dips into her belly button. (more…)

Prologue for Beautifully Broken – Part Two

I promised to share the rest of the Prologue for Beautifully Broken with you, so here it is!

Prologue: Wake Me From This Nightmare (Part Two)

The snow crunches beneath my snowmobile boots, as I cover my bare hand with my glove. The hood lifts without any trouble, which is a relief. I tinker around until I find what appears to be the problem. I wipe the corrosion away from the battery and replace the cap. Honestly, the truck is a mess. It could be a host of things.

I peer around the hood and catch Felicia rubbing her gloved hands together, even though she’s inside the truck. Those fashionable mitts do nothing but look pretty. Lucky for her, we should be out of here in a matter of minutes.

“Give it a try,” I holler.

She glances at me until the fog dissipates from my frosty words. She tries the key once, but the engine still doesn’t turn over.

I hold up a hand to stop her, while I use my other to adjust the connections. Even with my snow gear on, it’s frosty. The snow starts to rain from the heavens, covering the road with a wave of white blankets. The hood of the truck had barely been blocking the wind, when suddenly a blast of snow whips around it and slices across my face. (more…)

Cover Reveal: Beautifully Broken by Christa Simpson

Beautifully Broken by Christa Simpson

Publisher: Black Widow Publishing

Expected Release: February 24, 2015

Genre: New Adult Romance (18+)

in jeans

Matt is good at fixing things…but he quickly learns that people are a little more difficult to put back together.

Matthew Knight is a ladies man. He’s as handsome as he is sinister, with a natural charm that wows the skirt off every woman he passes. Having already had a piece, Felicia knows how dangerous it can be getting too close to all that raw masculine power. If she’s learned anything from their scandalous weekend together, it is that spontaneity leads to chaos. Still choking on guilt from his untimely accident, she refuses to let him in.

Matt wants in, and he can be very persuasive. (more…)

Beautifully Broken Reader Round-up

My publisher is looking for book bloggers to post the cover reveal, review an ARC of my book, get involved in a release day blitz and/or join its blog tour. One lucky blogger, for each event, will win a paperback of Finding Destiny, book one in the Destiny Series.

Beautifully Broken is a stand-alone, new adult romance, so there is no requirement to have read the first in the series in order to participate. Please sign up below. It would mean the world to me! ❤

BWP Book Tours Button

Kill your competition with Black Widow Publishing.


My Non-Resolution

I don’t even know if my title makes sense and I don’t feel like Googling it right now, so I won’t. To clear up any confusion, let me tell you what I mean. 🙂 🙂

It’s the time of year when everyone seems to be setting goals and striving to meet them. Many of us are thinking up some fantastic New Year’s Resolutions to boost our spirits and light a fire under our asses. Lucky for me, I started my goal of eating healthier last month and so I can strike that from my list of unsuccessful New Year’s Resolutions.

Pop is the Devil. << no really, it is.


And the winner is…

Thanks to everyone who participated in the contest! A winner has been randomly selected and I’ll even give you a little teaser.



Congrats lady. You’re the winner. Your name will be featured in Matt’s story, Beautifully Broken!

Here’s a quick sample of your role!! 😀 😀

Excerpt from Beautifully Broken: (subject to change)

Naked pretty princess among leavesMatt can’t keep his eyes off Felicia. She’s smiling and happy; just gorgeous. He feels like a stalker. His eyes assault her, taking in all that radiance and exploiting it every chance he gets. They don’t exchange any more words, but she knows he watches her. And yet she still ignores him. That is exactly what keeps him planted firmly on his feet, with a glass of whiskey in hand. He swirls what’s left of the liquid in the bottom of the glass and makes it disappear in one swallow. He slams the glass onto the makeshift bar, which announces to everyone that he is done. The floosy who’s been following him around all day slides up behind him without notice and suddenly the blond man has an arm wrapped around Felicia’s waist. (more…)

Contest: Name That Character!

I have a fabulous opportunity for one of my fans. How would you like to have your name as a character in my next book? Read on for more info!

Here I am, plugging away at my second round of edits on Beautifully Broken, book 2 in the Destiny Series, only to find that there remains a character that was not given a name. She appears on at least three occasions in the story, but apparently wasn’t important enough at the time for me to stop and do the honours of naming her.

Naked pretty princess among leaves

I don’t know why I’ve been struggling with picking a name for this girl, but it’s really irking me and I need a resolution, like yesterday. I’m hoping to turn this into a bit of a game that can be fun and mutually rewarding. Rather than me playing with baby names from a list, waiting for the right one to click, I thought I’d open it up to my following.

For starters, the character is a girl, but I’m open to a sex-change if need be! This girl is currently known as “the floozy cousin”. If that title offends you, then A. There’s no need to continue reading this post; and B. I can’t believe you’re still following me!! 😉

So, this girl (<-see, isn’t that annoying??) is one of Destiny’s single cousins who attends her wedding. Yes, Destiny is getting married! “The cousin” is a good looking girl who tags onto the studly hero of the story, Matthew Knight, but he has his eyes set on someone else, Felicia, the heroine of course! “The cousin” really bothers Felicia because, well, she’s hanging off of Matt like a cheap air freshener when Felicia wishes she were the one doing that. (more…)

Tomorrow’s the big day!!!

Twisted Desire releases tomorrow and my Facebook event has exceeded 200 attendees! Yay!! Have you joined yet? It’s not too late.

Even if you’ve read all my books, you need to join this event. I’ve opened it up for an amazing day of author takeovers.

in love

Here’s your line up for Saturday, July 19, 2014:

12-1 p.m.          Christa Simpson

1-1:30 p.m.      Lindy ZartSexy man

1:30-2 p.m.      Bev Elle

2-3 p.m.           Kaylee Ryan

3-3:30 p.m.     Paige Matthews

3:30-4 p.m.     Cori Williams

4-5 p.m.           Lori Worley

5-6 p.m.          Olivia Howe

6-7 p.m.          Jessica MacIntyre

7-7:30 p.m.    Patrick Freivald

7:30-8 p.m.    Tiffany Flowers

8-9 p.m.         Christy Newton

9-10 p.m.       Stephanie S. Gresham

10-11 p.m.      Sara V. Zook

 If that alone doesn’t float your boat, then maybe a flash giveaway from these other authors will!

  • Surprise visit from Gabbie S. Duran and more!
  • 1 e-copy of Twisted by Christa Simpson, donated by Gwyneiira’s Book Blog;
  • 1 e-copy of Living Dead Girl by Nessie Strange;
  • I e-copy of Begin Again by Christy Newton;
  • 1 e-copy of Cursed Desires by C.E. Black.

Join now!! –>

P.S. Buy my book tomorrow!! It’ll be on sale at Amazon for a limited time. Get your copy now!! 😀