
What happened to Amazon?!

This post is my opinion on how the e-book market has been changing, based on my own experiences and those of my fellow authors—both new and established.

Warning: I’m going to be straight with you.


It’s no surprise that the book market has become saturated with new titles within the last few years. It seems like writing has become a contagious disease and the act of self-publishing is the antidote. Now, not only do I have to compete with the big guys—by big guys, I mean traditionally published authors with a full support staff: editors, designers, public relations, advertising, extended distribution, street teams, Goodreads groups, dedicated bloggers and other authors in the company, who all show a preference to sharing each other within their imprint, but I have to stand up against a throng of my fellow indies just to maintain my fan base.
Beautiful Lady With Abyssinian Cat


Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I’ve received the Very Inspiring Blogger Award and I’d like to thank my Twitter friend, Marlena Hand, for nominating me!

Please don’t look at the date of Marlena’s post when you stop over to her site to see it. I’m just catching up on my backlog and will be happy when I have a clean inbox. Yes, it’s been many months since I’ve seen that. I was starting to think I’d never get there! There are about five more things sitting pretty (without deadlines) that need my attention, but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Okay, enough about dark places and crossing over…

Here are the rules:

1. Link back to the person nominating you for the award. (Check)
2. Display the Very Inspiring Blogger Logo. (Check)
3. Reveal seven things about yourself. (Oh boy, this should be fun.)
4. Nominate seven others to receive the award. (Easy enough, right?)

She asked, so I’ll tell ya… 7 things about me:

1.     I love lounging around in sweat pants and a hoodie. I wear dress clothes every day, at least Monday through Friday, and I swear the second I get home the first thing to go is the suit. If I don’t strip the second I walk in the door from work, then it’s guaranteed that as soon as I’m done cleaning up from dinner that I slip into something more comfortable.

2.     I’m addicted to Netflix. As soon as the weather started to turn to crap, me and my girls started watching it like it was going out of style. (more…)

BLOGGERS… last chance!


Please sign up for my cover reveal!  All you have to do is post the cover of Twisted Desire by Christa Simpson on or after May 31, 2014 at noon.  You can join the Facebook event and post the links to your post(s) for more visits to your blog/page.

SIGN UP HERE–> Google Docs Form


Join the reveal event and celebrate with me for your chance to win free books and swag!

JOIN HERE–> Facebook Event

Aliah with bike

The blurb is now complete.  If it sounds like something you might like to read, please add it to your Goodreads shelves today!

Find the girl.  Trick the girl.  Collect the reward.  His plan was foolproof.
