book reviews

I have a confession


You probably thought I fell off the face of this earth because I haven’t had any new releases for two long years! But guess what? The sequel to Playing House is finally complete!

This duet has been so wild and intense that… I didn’t know if I was ready to unleash it into the world!


How about I tell you about the amazing opportunity I have to offer you today?! That’s coming right up.

Hard to believe it’s already been two years since I last put a new book out into this world. For that reason alone, I want to do everything I can for this book. And, as you probably already know, when I go underground, I go in all the way and don’t emerge until I have something freaking awesome to share.


How Would You Like to Read My Next Book for Free?

I’m only one month away from launching my next book, The Black Widow: A Psychological Thriller. I can’t lie… I’m super excited about this one, and the launch is going to be huge. Where do you come into this equation? (more…)

What happened to Amazon?!

This post is my opinion on how the e-book market has been changing, based on my own experiences and those of my fellow authors—both new and established.

Warning: I’m going to be straight with you.


It’s no surprise that the book market has become saturated with new titles within the last few years. It seems like writing has become a contagious disease and the act of self-publishing is the antidote. Now, not only do I have to compete with the big guys—by big guys, I mean traditionally published authors with a full support staff: editors, designers, public relations, advertising, extended distribution, street teams, Goodreads groups, dedicated bloggers and other authors in the company, who all show a preference to sharing each other within their imprint, but I have to stand up against a throng of my fellow indies just to maintain my fan base.
Beautiful Lady With Abyssinian Cat


Have a Heart

Broken heart symbol
Broken heart symbol (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

My heart hurts. It’s true. I have been blissfully ignorant of one thing while I attempted to take the next step on my publishing journey. Book reviews.  I always knew that there would be others reviewing my story and my writing skills once I got my book out there, but never could I imagine the emotions flowing through me after reading each one.

I tell myself to quit checking them, but I can’t help it. I know certain reviews could potentially make me a better writer for addressing each of their concerns, but I hadn’t considered the fact that some people forget that authors are only human and have feelings too. Especially those with private accounts and unidentifiable screen names. How convenient for them. (more…)