
Tomorrow’s the big day!!!

Twisted Desire releases tomorrow and my Facebook event has exceeded 200 attendees! Yay!! Have you joined yet? It’s not too late. https://www.facebook.com/events/630011653760345/

Even if you’ve read all my books, you need to join this event. I’ve opened it up for an amazing day of author takeovers.

in love

Here’s your line up for Saturday, July 19, 2014:

12-1 p.m.          Christa Simpson

1-1:30 p.m.      Lindy ZartSexy man

1:30-2 p.m.      Bev Elle

2-3 p.m.           Kaylee Ryan

3-3:30 p.m.     Paige Matthews

3:30-4 p.m.     Cori Williams

4-5 p.m.           Lori Worley

5-6 p.m.          Olivia Howe

6-7 p.m.          Jessica MacIntyre

7-7:30 p.m.    Patrick Freivald

7:30-8 p.m.    Tiffany Flowers

8-9 p.m.         Christy Newton

9-10 p.m.       Stephanie S. Gresham

10-11 p.m.      Sara V. Zook

 If that alone doesn’t float your boat, then maybe a flash giveaway from these other authors will!

  • Surprise visit from Gabbie S. Duran and more!
  • 1 e-copy of Twisted by Christa Simpson, donated by Gwyneiira’s Book Blog;
  • 1 e-copy of Living Dead Girl by Nessie Strange;
  • I e-copy of Begin Again by Christy Newton;
  • 1 e-copy of Cursed Desires by C.E. Black.

Join now!! –> https://www.facebook.com/events/630011653760345

P.S. Buy my book tomorrow!! It’ll be on sale at Amazon for a limited time. Get your copy now!! 😀



COVER REVEAL: Twisted Desire by Christa Simpson

 Twisted Desire - ecover

Title:  Twisted Desire

Author:  Christa Simpson

Release Date: July 19, 2014

Series:  Book #4 in the Twisted Series (stand-alone)

Genre:  New Adult Romance/Romantic Suspense

(18+ due to graphic scenes involving sex, violence
and vulgar language that may be offensive to some readers)


Find the girl… Trick the girl… Collect the reward. His plan was foolproof.


Tour: Finding Destiny by Christa Simpson

Sign up for the Finding Destiny Blog Tour!!!

Irresistible Reads Tours

Finding Destiny by Christa Simpson

finding destiny

Publication Date: February 13th, 2014
Genre: Steamy Contemporary Romance

Skylar has rules. He has never strayed from those rules. And yet Destiny has him breaking every last one of them.

Destiny was looking forward to a bit of solitude in the north. She figured surrounding herself with her two besties, at an expensive spa retreat, would beat away the winter blues. That was the plan. Destiny liked plans. But plans don’t always work out the way you want them to.

Skylar never expected to find three ladies trudging through the snow. But after finding them stranded, in the middle of nowhere, during the biggest snow storm of the year, he’s forced to invite Destiny and her friends back to his cabin. Though he tried to ignore what was subtly unravelling between them, he couldn’t discount their attraction. The way Destiny could read into his thoughts…

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