

To celebrate the release of Beautifully Broken, I’ve put ALL my other titles on sale. This means you can get any one of my romance titles for the low price of $1.49 for a limited time!

$1.49 are you out of your mind???

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If you haven’t had the opportunity to meet my fictional boyfriends now’s the time to stock up on a whole whack of handsome.

Better yet…here’s a surprise for my blog subscribers only!!!


Is a romance just a romance?

Pet Peeve #1: Reading Books Out of Order

There’s nothing worse than really getting into a story only to learn that it wasn’t the first book in the series.  Of course, since you love it so much, you’re bound and determined to read the first book and so you buy it and it’s okay.  But I’m sorry to say, it’s just not the same.  Especially in romances.  It stands true for me to this day.  I’ve picked up book number two in a series on a number of occasions and to date I’ve loved the second more than the first.

Welcome to my world

I don’t know what it is, and maybe it’s just me, but I seem to fall in love with characters in a sequence, just the way the author intends for me to.  By already reading the first set of characters in the next book, I’m already privy to the dynamic of their relationship and I think it steals the nostalgia of their first meeting.  The respect for their journey seems to get lost somewhere along the way, since I already know what the end result will be.


Now, I know that a romance is a romance, and (more…)

I Still Love You

Have you read Twisted?  How about Twist & Turn?  If you haven’t already, then you’re in luck.  Here are two giveaways you can enter for your chance to win an e-copy of each for free!!

And if you already like my author page on Facebook you can get a free entry!!

Chicks Controlled By Books 2000 LIKES Giveaway:  https://www.facebook.com/ChicksControlledByBooks/app_228910107186452

Author Danielle Taylor’s 2000 LIKES Giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Author-Danielle-Taylor/217716295040976?sk=app_228910107186452&app_data

Excerpt follows.  See what you’re missing out on?!?Twist & Turn by Christa Simpson.