
A Blog Post About Blogging and Becoming an Author

When I first started blogging, while I was writing my debut novel, I was so uncensored. I had very few followers and so I posted to my blog regularly (LIKE THREE TIMES A WEEK, EASILY!) without fretting too hard over grammatical and typographical errors. I didn’t own licences to any stock photography and I didn’t understand how to use the free feature on WordPress to add images, so my posts had very few photos, if any at all. Life was simple. The people who followed me, joined my blog on their own accord, by no request, force or pressure to do so. I knew, if they were following me it was because they actually cared about what I had to say. I didn’t blow time hanging out on Facebook and Twitter (as much), although I did really enjoy Twitter before the auto-bots ruined it over there. I spent time writing my book, learning about publishing, and sharing my results. And you know what? PEOPLE LOVED IT!

Fashionable Happy Couple Holding White Board

So, what changed?


Sexy in the City – Toronto Author Event

Have you heard? There’s a long list of authors coming to Toronto, Canada, for an amazing book event on June 13, 2015. What started out as part of the Angels in Sinners Tour, later changed to Live the Hype, is now being dubbed SEXY IN THE CITY.  Black and white photo of the beautiful legs in nice stockings ov

Don’t miss out! 45+ bestselling authors in one room! You must come to see all this beautiful swag and find some new authors to fan-girl over!

Eh, this is Canada!

It’s no secret, I’m from Canada. But did you know that I sell my books primarily in USD? Pre-order today for fabulous savings.



7 Things You Need to Give up this year!


I may be talking about myself and I may be talking about others…you know who you are. One thing is for sure: we could all handle giving up these seven things this year!

My biggest challenge???

Procrastination is sitting at the number one spot for a reason!

As an author, social media is my number one no noTwitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest, Goodreads and now Instagram, OH MY!! Hours can fly by and I can chat with fabulous people, learn incredible things and have a good old laugh, but nothing more is had but a good time. Productivity is minimal, while my list of things to do grows infinitely.

Speaking of which…I have to go finish preparing my post for my Beautifully Broken cover reveal next Saturday! 😉

Which of the above are you guilty of? Come on, don’t be shy. 🙂

Are You a Winner?!

Loving couple in the car embracesWelcome to all the newcomers. The Twisted Desire Cover Reveal Party was a success!! Thanks to everyone who came out to show their support. <3 <3


Giveaway #1: ARC of Twisted Desire


HUGE Indie Author Giveaway!!

So you might be wondering who the lucky winner is from last week’s giveaway. Drum roll please… and the winner is… MAUREEN MAYER. Congrats to Maureen, who won a copy of the Twisted e-book.

No worries, if you weren’t the lucky winner this round.  Don’t give up just yet. You have three more chances to win!! Yes, three!! Add to that 12 other fabulous indie author’s promotional giveaways and suddenly the odds are ‘eva in your fava’. 😉Indie Author Giveaway

The best part about this HUGE Indie Author Giveaway is that, if you already LIKE my Facebook page then you already qualify for free ballots to enter the draw. A quick click is all you need otherwise, if you haven’t already paid me a visit, and you have a chance to win a copy of Twisted together with lots of other wonderful prizes. 😉

Here’s the link for the HUGE Indie Author Giveaway: http://bit.ly/ZfA8Sy

Good luck!!

Time for a Giveaway!!

What can I say? It’s been a hell of a week. I’ve reached some major milestones and I want to share the love. 😀

readings (Photo credit: 46137)
  • 125 people on Goodreads have added Twisted to their shelves;
  • 110 followers on Pinterest; (my fav pin would have to be Jensen Ackles reading a book with that sexy ass) I strongly recommend that you go check it out.

You can click on any of the links above to visit my sites and see what you’re missing out on and I’d love if you would.

Last, but certainly not least, thanks to all of you who joined my blog recently to help me get over that hump!!


Is your SUPERPHONE all that super? Really??

YES REALLY!!  My Samsung Galaxy S3 is truly all that and a bag of chips… make that Doritos… Jalapeno and Cheddar (my fav).

20130129_202146[1]Pink Perfection  VERSUS

Back in November when I was using a Blackberry Smartphone I have to admit: it was totally useless. Smartphone? I think not. Sure BBM was awes and I didn’t know how I would live without it, but here I am… still kickin’.  Too bad I can’t say the same for my “smartphone”. RIP
