Fifty Shades of Grey The Movie

A Wild, Hot, Romantic Adventure

It’s Friday the thirteenth, the day before Valentine’s day, and the day the Fifty Shades of Grey Movie releases. Coincidence? Just saying.

Do you know how I feel about Valentine’s day? I think one of my books will most efficiently answer that question for you.

Cute blonde lady with soft skinFinding Destiny was never meant to be a holiday romance, but it just kind of turned out that way. The first line of the story happens to start with, “I absolutely hate Valentine’s day.” Of course that’s a little harsh. The entire story is actually centered around three ladies who wanted to go away and pamper themselves for Valentine’s weekend to avoid the stress of the holiday while being single, but what ends up happening is their piece of shit truck breaks down during a huge snowstorm in the middle of nowhere and three knights in shining armour come to their rescue—on snowmobiles.

Escape by Fiction said:

“Finding Destiny is a wild, hot, romantic adventure.”


When he pressed his lips in her hair, she knew she was a goner.  With nothing but a kiss and a few small facts about his family life, she had fallen for him.  And she couldn’t even hide it.

“Thank you for this,” she whispered.  Why had she voiced her thoughts?  She wished she could take it back, because Skylar knew she wasn’t talking only about saving her from a snow cloud.

Then Skylar chuckled, and his desirous voice tickled her ear, making her quickly forget about her embarrassment.  “You don’t have to thank me, Destiny.  I only do what I want, and right now I want to be here with you.”

His words whispered over her body, and she fought the urge to thank him again.  Then she felt him curling around her, and his lips unexpectedly brushed across hers. (more…)