Finding Destiny

December🎄 Free For All

Happy December, all! I got together with some other romance authors to bring to you FREE books and an opportunity to win Amazon gift cards before Christmas!

Welcome to the December FREE For All & Giveaway Event December 4-8!

Click below to download these romance reads.

**Limited time offer**

My FREE offering:


My Two-Year Indie-versary!!!

Guess what today marks?!? It’s my two-year indie-versary!!!

I’ve been published for two whole years now. A little scary when you look at it that way, really! I didn’t throw some huge bash or anything, but I have been wanting to do something to celebrate such an accomplishment. You’re probably wondering what that means to you!

Book Collage Incl website

As a thank you to my loyal fans and followers for sticking with me, I’m offering the first book in the Destiny Series, FINDING DESTINY, FREE!!!

That’s right! 100% FREE!!! No strings attached.


Of course, like any author, I’d love you long time if you were to enjoy the book and leave a rating/review on Goodreads, Amazon, and/or your sales channel(s) of choice! And now that Amazon has changed their policy to allow super short reviews, why wouldn’t you?!

Cute blonde lady with soft skin

For those of you super loyal fans who’ve already read, reviewed and enjoyed Finding Destiny and haven’t yet had the opportunity to purchase Beautifully Broken, Matty and Felicia’s story in the Destiny Series, I have a SPECIAL OFFER for you!!! Here’s what you have to do, if you’d like a free kindle copy of my latest book:

  1. Add my publisher to your list of approved senders;
  2. Email them the link to your Amazon review for Finding Destiny;
  3. Request an e-copy of Beautifully Broken with a promise to read, rate and review the story within 90 days after receipt.

That’s it!! That’s all you have to do!*

If you’re extra sneaky, you can read and review Finding Destiny for free now and get the next book in the series free too by making your request!!! This offer is open to followers of this blog only! – and will expire in thirty days, so act now! 

*Black Widow Publishing reserves the right to refuse this offer to any reader for any reason, in its sole discretion.

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If you prefer paperbacks, I have a Rafflecopter GIVEAWAY happening right now! Enter for your chance to win!

Thanks to you all, from the bottom of my heart, for helping me make my dream a reality! ❤ ❤

A Wild, Hot, Romantic Adventure

It’s Friday the thirteenth, the day before Valentine’s day, and the day the Fifty Shades of Grey Movie releases. Coincidence? Just saying.

Do you know how I feel about Valentine’s day? I think one of my books will most efficiently answer that question for you.

Cute blonde lady with soft skinFinding Destiny was never meant to be a holiday romance, but it just kind of turned out that way. The first line of the story happens to start with, “I absolutely hate Valentine’s day.” Of course that’s a little harsh. The entire story is actually centered around three ladies who wanted to go away and pamper themselves for Valentine’s weekend to avoid the stress of the holiday while being single, but what ends up happening is their piece of shit truck breaks down during a huge snowstorm in the middle of nowhere and three knights in shining armour come to their rescue—on snowmobiles.

Escape by Fiction said:

“Finding Destiny is a wild, hot, romantic adventure.”


When he pressed his lips in her hair, she knew she was a goner.  With nothing but a kiss and a few small facts about his family life, she had fallen for him.  And she couldn’t even hide it.

“Thank you for this,” she whispered.  Why had she voiced her thoughts?  She wished she could take it back, because Skylar knew she wasn’t talking only about saving her from a snow cloud.

Then Skylar chuckled, and his desirous voice tickled her ear, making her quickly forget about her embarrassment.  “You don’t have to thank me, Destiny.  I only do what I want, and right now I want to be here with you.”

His words whispered over her body, and she fought the urge to thank him again.  Then she felt him curling around her, and his lips unexpectedly brushed across hers. (more…)

Wicked Steamy Romance for $0.99!


This story might be set in the winter, but don’t let that stop you from buying it today!! Readers are calling Finding Destiny “wicked steamy”. Another reader has described it as “sweet, hot, and downright delicious.” I promise you it’ll melt away any reservations you have to the point you’d be fanning yourself at the beach, and it wouldn’t be because of the heat outside. 😉

Finding Destiny - e-cover2

Do yourself a favour and pick up a copy of Finding Destiny today! It’s now available in paperback too. $6.00 USD plus shipping for an autographed copy, for those who might be interested. Email me with your address if you would like an exact quote!  


For your reading pleasure 😉


Tour: Finding Destiny by Christa Simpson

Sign up for the Finding Destiny Blog Tour!!!

Irresistible Reads Tours

Finding Destiny by Christa Simpson

finding destiny

Publication Date: February 13th, 2014
Genre: Steamy Contemporary Romance

Skylar has rules. He has never strayed from those rules. And yet Destiny has him breaking every last one of them.

Destiny was looking forward to a bit of solitude in the north. She figured surrounding herself with her two besties, at an expensive spa retreat, would beat away the winter blues. That was the plan. Destiny liked plans. But plans don’t always work out the way you want them to.

Skylar never expected to find three ladies trudging through the snow. But after finding them stranded, in the middle of nowhere, during the biggest snow storm of the year, he’s forced to invite Destiny and her friends back to his cabin. Though he tried to ignore what was subtly unravelling between them, he couldn’t discount their attraction. The way Destiny could read into his thoughts…

View original post 190 more words

Finding Destiny is LIVE!!!

You must read this steamy Valentine’s day novella!!  It’s only $0.99 for a limited time!! ❤ ❤



FD - characters promo

What readers are saying about Finding Destiny…

Review by: Shana Vernon  starstarstarstarstar

Incredible read!  I am Destiny in a nutshell; with the exception of the job loss, fantastic spa retreat, and slutty friend. Oh, and I’ve been stranded in the snow, but hot guys on snowmobiles did not come to my rescue lol.  All that aside, I definitely connected with a girl lonely on Valentines day, who gave up on love, and just wanted to relax with her girls and find direction.  If that’s ever been you then this book is a must read.  Or if you’re looking for a new book boyfriend Skylar is grade A prime choice angus steak! 😉

Review by:   Sarah Sheehan  starstarstarstarstar

Absolutely amazing.  I loved it!  I can’t wait for your next book, Christa.  You are such a talented writer!

destiny 99

If you’d like to read more, please visit my book page.

Cover Reveal: Finding Destiny

Finding Destiny - ecover

A Valentine’s Romance

Expected Release: February 14, 2014

Add it to your Goodreads shelves now!!


Skylar has rules.  He has never strayed from those rules.  And yet Destiny has him breaking every last one of them.

Destiny was looking forward to a bit of solitude in the north.  She figured surrounding herself with her two besties at an expensive spa retreat would beat away the winter blues.  That was the plan.  Destiny liked plans.  But plans don’t always work out the way you want them to.
Skylar never expected to find three ladies trudging through the snow.  But after finding them stranded, in the middle of nowhere, during the biggest snow storm of the year, he’s forced to invite Destiny and her friends back to his cabin.  Though he tried to ignore what was subtly unravelling between them, he couldn’t discount their attraction.  The way Destiny could read into his thoughts and the way his jealousy raged at the thought of his brother taking her to his bed, he knew he had better stake his claim.
But when tragedy strikes, torn from her arms at lightning speed, Skylar’s left to wonder whether he would ever find his destiny.

skylar - powerwalk
