
April FREE for All

Click to download these romance reads.

Me and some other fabulous Romance Authors have come together to bring you 68 free novels. Plus enter to win a Kindle or one of three $25 Amazon Gift Cards!

Thank you for being loyal readers! To show our appreciation, we’ve come together to offer a book for FREE. Download one or all. Maybe you’ll find your next favourite author.



To celebrate the final days of summer, I’ve put my baby, TWISTED, on sale! Not just “on sale”, but for free! This means you can get this complete novel (all 99,000 words of it) for zero pennies, the price of nothing, for FREE!!! If you’re into friends-with-benefits, friends to lovers, new adult sass, and/or romances with a paranormal twist, then I have a feeling you will enjoy this story. Sad man enjoying his beloved girlfriend


Did you know that my newsletter subscribers were the first to scoop up this delicious deal? They’ll be receiving exclusive specials in the future, too. It’s not too late to join, if you’re interested. You can sign up here!

What readers are saying about Twisted.

Readers are calling this story sexy, entertaining and easy to read. The characters are a little crazy, but who isn’t? There’s never a dull moment in the Twisted Trilogy.

Check out that Amazon Best Sellers Rank!


My Two-Year Indie-versary!!!

Guess what today marks?!? It’s my two-year indie-versary!!!

I’ve been published for two whole years now. A little scary when you look at it that way, really! I didn’t throw some huge bash or anything, but I have been wanting to do something to celebrate such an accomplishment. You’re probably wondering what that means to you!

Book Collage Incl website

As a thank you to my loyal fans and followers for sticking with me, I’m offering the first book in the Destiny Series, FINDING DESTINY, FREE!!!

That’s right! 100% FREE!!! No strings attached.


Of course, like any author, I’d love you long time if you were to enjoy the book and leave a rating/review on Goodreads, Amazon, and/or your sales channel(s) of choice! And now that Amazon has changed their policy to allow super short reviews, why wouldn’t you?!

Cute blonde lady with soft skin

For those of you super loyal fans who’ve already read, reviewed and enjoyed Finding Destiny and haven’t yet had the opportunity to purchase Beautifully Broken, Matty and Felicia’s story in the Destiny Series, I have a SPECIAL OFFER for you!!! Here’s what you have to do, if you’d like a free kindle copy of my latest book:

  1. Add my publisher to your list of approved senders;
  2. Email them the link to your Amazon review for Finding Destiny;
  3. Request an e-copy of Beautifully Broken with a promise to read, rate and review the story within 90 days after receipt.

That’s it!! That’s all you have to do!*

If you’re extra sneaky, you can read and review Finding Destiny for free now and get the next book in the series free too by making your request!!! This offer is open to followers of this blog only! – and will expire in thirty days, so act now! 

*Black Widow Publishing reserves the right to refuse this offer to any reader for any reason, in its sole discretion.

closeup of a young business man fixing his tie while looking at

If you prefer paperbacks, I have a Rafflecopter GIVEAWAY happening right now! Enter for your chance to win!

Thanks to you all, from the bottom of my heart, for helping me make my dream a reality! ❤ ❤

I Still Love You

Have you read Twisted?  How about Twist & Turn?  If you haven’t already, then you’re in luck.  Here are two giveaways you can enter for your chance to win an e-copy of each for free!!

And if you already like my author page on Facebook you can get a free entry!!

Chicks Controlled By Books 2000 LIKES Giveaway:

Author Danielle Taylor’s 2000 LIKES Giveaway:

Excerpt follows.  See what you’re missing out on?!?Twist & Turn by Christa Simpson.

HUGE Indie Author Giveaway!!

So you might be wondering who the lucky winner is from last week’s giveaway. Drum roll please… and the winner is… MAUREEN MAYER. Congrats to Maureen, who won a copy of the Twisted e-book.

No worries, if you weren’t the lucky winner this round.  Don’t give up just yet. You have three more chances to win!! Yes, three!! Add to that 12 other fabulous indie author’s promotional giveaways and suddenly the odds are ‘eva in your fava’. 😉Indie Author Giveaway

The best part about this HUGE Indie Author Giveaway is that, if you already LIKE my Facebook page then you already qualify for free ballots to enter the draw. A quick click is all you need otherwise, if you haven’t already paid me a visit, and you have a chance to win a copy of Twisted together with lots of other wonderful prizes. 😉

Here’s the link for the HUGE Indie Author Giveaway:

Good luck!!