indie author

Pricing Paperback Novels

As you know, I am still rather new at this publishing thing. I only first published my debut e-book, Twisted, with Amazon and Smashwords for their premium distribution channels, in February. On August 1, 2013 I published my second book, Twist & Turn, and I found the formatting process to be so much easier than the first time around, which brings me to now. I’m ready to put my stories in print. I have successfully formatted my print edition and commissioned a cover. Here’s my new cover, by the way. 😉 It’s in review with CreateSpace as we speak. So, I ask you this, both as an author and/or reader. How much is too much? 

Twisted by Christa Simpson. Book 1 in The Twisted Trilogy. A sassy New Adult romance with a paranormal twist.

Give Me More!!!

You’ve asked for more of Edwin and Abigail and, in light of Twist & Turn set for release on August 1, 2013, here’s a little taste of what you’ll get…

Twist & Turn by Christa Simpson. Cover by Kellie Dennis of Book Cover By Design.

Twist & Turn by Christa Simpson. Cover by Kellie Dennis of Book Cover By Design.

“I pissed you off?” he said, smirking.

I slapped him playfully.  “Eddie.  You don’t need to jeopardize everything you worked so hard for.  That’s all I’m saying.”

“You’re avoiding the question.  Admit it.”

“I admit that men drive me crazy; especially you.  As for Cam, he’s a mature adult, he can make his own decisions.  He just made the wrong one.”

Edwin laughed, a devious glimmer twinkling in his aqua blue eyes.  “So you’re saying I’m more of a man than him.”


“It’s okay, you don’t have to agree with me, I know it’s true.”

I got up from the couch and shoved him as I passed.  I retrieved a bottle of water from the fridge and returned to the living room, relieved that I didn’t have to be totally miserable all night alone.  That’s when I found Edwin sitting in my spot.  He knew how picky I was about my spot.

“Excuse me,” I scolded.

“What?” he asked, smugly.

“Don’t act like you don’t know.  Get out of my seat!”

“Make me!” he taunted.

“I’ll make you alright.”  I put down my water bottle and yanked on his thick-muscled arms.  He didn’t budge an inch.  “Edwin,” I whined.  “My spot was warm.  Please!” I pleaded.

He sat with his feet planted firmly on the floor and his godly arms folded over his chest.  I yanked and yanked, but he didn’t move.  His smiled curved even higher.

“You asked for it.  Now I’m gonna have to lay the smack down on you,” I announced.

“Oh, I’m scared now.”

Having too much fun to stop, I walked behind the couch, wrapped my arms around his neck and flung myself over the top the sofa.  He willingly submitted to the attack and, though I may have knocked him out of my spot, I unintentionally flattened myself beneath him.

“I see you got your place back,” he growled, softly.

I inadvertently smiled, but secretly wished it didn’t feel so good to be wanted by him.

“I’m gonna kiss you now,” he warned, as he closed his eyes.  He eased closer, then fastened my lips to his with a soft and sensual caress that could only come from Edwin’s mouth.  His large hands drew up my sides and cupped my bare breasts, as though he were worshiping them.

That’s when I pushed him off of me.  “Eddie!  What do you think you’re doing?”

“Mmm,” he moaned, as I awkwardly scrambled to get out from under him.  He couldn’t wipe the wide grin from his face.

“Fine!  You can have my spot!” I snapped.

He laughed, low and rough, and slid aside.  “You can have it.  I already got what I wanted.”

Copyright © 2013 Christa Simpson.  All rights reserved.

More COMING SOON!!! Don’t forget to add my books on your Goodreads shelves!

Twist & Turn:
A Twist of Fate:

Twist & Turn Cover Reveal

Here it is: my new cover!!! Hot, right?

Cover Designer: Kellie Dennis of Book Cover By Design Cover Designer: Kellie Dennis of Book Cover By Design

Twist and Turn is Book 2 in The Twisted Trilogy. It will be available for purchase on August 1, 2013. Please add it to your Goodreads shelves!!!

Cover Designer: Kellie Dennis of Book Cover By Design Cover Designer: Kellie Dennis                                                                  of Book Cover By Design

If you haven’t read Twisted, not to worry, my betas who hadn’t read book 1 agree that this novel can stand alone. Of course I recommend that you do read #1 first, so you better understand Abby’s conflict and Edwin’s role, and for $0.99 why wouldn’t you??!!

Here are links for book 1:

A special thanks goes out to my cover designer: the fabulous Kellie Dennis of Book Cover By Design.


If you’re looking for a book cover, I highly recommend that you consider her for the job! Check out her site to see the amazing pre-made covers available for purchase right now!

So, what do you think? Do you like it? 😀

Paranormal Teaser

Here’s a short excerpt about that paranormal twist I’ve been telling you about in Twist and Turn, book two of The Twisted Trilogy.  It’s a bit of a spoiler, but I think it’s worth it.  No?

Spooky Tree
Spooky Tree (Photo credit: jeff_golden)

“Yo TJ! Did you see that girl who was with me like two seconds ago?” Edwin slurred.

TJ narrowed his eyes like a stoned criminal.

“Tall, brunette, long legs, pig-tails, glasses. Did you see her?”

TJ patted him on his shoulder, a huge smile cracking onto his face. “Right Bro. I saw her alright. In my dreams.”

Edwin shook his head, confusion fogging his brain as TJ laughed at him. He hadn’t dreamt her up; had he? She was real. She had to be real. He could still feel her soft skin on his fingers; taste her purple lips on his tongue. (more…)

Prologue Or Not Here I Come

Fake car accident. The vehicle on the picture ...

Fake car accident. The vehicle on the picture is an FSO Polonez MR’89. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Here’s my prologue (in rough draft) for TWIST AND TURN, book two in The Twisted Trilogy. I used a prologue to give the readers a glimpse at the paranormal aspect of this novel. I feel that it is very significant and, since my book is written in the first person (Abigail’s perspective), this is a way of seeing it through someone else’s eyes. It’ll tie in later, to make you say ‘whoa’.

So now you know. Abigail’s not crazy. Or maybe she is, for leaving Edwin. But she actually is seeing dead people. (At least one dead person in particular. J



Six years earlier.

TESSA CLARKE WIPED THE tears from her eyes as she sobbed out of control. She was miserable, but certain she was doing the right thing.

“This is my daughter, he’s not taking her from me,” she cried, as she sped away from her home with no intention of turning back.

She squinted through the dirty windshield at the dark night with blurry, enraged eyes and a heavy foot. She dangerously weaved through cars on the highway until she reached her exit. Relief overcame her when she finally passed the City’s boundaries and dirt began to plume behind her on the freshly gravelled country road.

She looked in her rear-view mirror flashing a glance into the back seat. “I finally did it baby. I did it for us,” she said, a soft smile creeping onto her downturned lips.

A sudden flash of red light blinded her as she turned her tired, burning eyes to the oncoming headlights. (more…)

Review This…

I just got to a point while editing TWIST AND TURN, book two in The Twisted Trilogy, where a couple of reviews creeped into my head and tried to make me unbitchify Abby.  I could have cut the entire paragraph out…now, instead of editing this out, I’m leaving it in just to piss ’em off.  😉

To change Abby’s overdramatic sarcasm and bitchy persona is to change Abby.  Can’t do it.  Besides, I love her like that.  Do you think the world is full of all sweet, perfect, non-selfish people?  Puh-lease.  She’s real (in my own twisted little world). (more…)