Kellan Lutz

The Next Big Thing

the-next-big-thing awardI’m told I’ve been nominated for The Next Big Thing award. Twice!! Cool. I guess it’s a blog hop, where writers get to share their WIP and have to nominate a few other writers to do the same. Thanks to Danielle Taylor and Mitch Lavender for nominating me. Here goes nothing.


1) What is the title of your next book?

TWIST AND TURN. I’m currently in the editing phase of book two in The Twisted Trilogy.

ashley greene and kellan lutz arrive push premiere

ashley greene and kellan lutz arrive push premiere (Photo credit: Anthony Citrano)

2) Where did the idea come from for the book?
One day, after reading a series by a new author, I thought ‘I could do that’. So I googled hot celebrities for inspiration and started dreaming up a life for them. My novel 
TWISTED wasn’t ready to be finished, so it quickly became The Twisted Trilogy. 

3) What genre does your project fall under?
New Adult Contemporary Romance with a paranormal twist.

4) What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?
I picture Abigail looking like Minka Kelly.
 For Edwin, I’d like Channing Tatum‘s personality wrapped in Kellan Lutz‘s body. What? I can’t do that? 😉 (more…)