Lora Leigh

Primal – Part 2 of 2

Here’s part two of my book review of the PRIMAL novel, which is review of the third and fourth novellas therein by Lora Leigh and Jory Strong. For these two alone I give 5 stars!!  *****Primal

3.    ANGEL-CLAIMED by Jory Strong.

I got right into this story the second I started reading it. Jory Strong made it easy to understand the world they were living in and developed the world around you as you got to know the characters.

Sajia was a djinn and blood slave to a predominant vampire family. She was living every day like it could be her last, because it could be.

Addai, a dark angel, had been searching for her for over a thousand years and finally learns that they will be reunited soon. When Addai, white wings and all, insists to Sajia that she was his wife in a previous life and he’d done everything in his power to get her back, she can’t help but feel some inexplicable bond that they share.

Though she doesn’t remember their life together, she learns that he is no stranger, since he continually shares his memories of them making love, which usually involved her submissing.  She initially refuses to let him dominate her, until she can’t fight the urge to submit to him. When she finally gives in to his desirous demands -and lets him tie her up– it means so much more than super-hot domination. It means she trusts him. (more…)