
How Romantic?!

So here we are…  Valentine’s Day.  A day of love, lust and longing.  A day of jealousy, distraction and envy.  Which side of the boat are you sitting on today?

This may or may not make you feel any better about that.  It’s Valentine’s day.  It’s Friday.  My husband works every Friday night.  Of course, Valentine’s day is not a real holiday, so we don’t actually get to take the day off, and I’m not even sure that the hubby would were it an optional thing.  Money over matter.  Isn’t that how the saying goes?  😉

valentines day red lights design background

Anyways, when I’m done work at 5:00, I won’t be going home to do myself up in anticipation of my hot date tonight.  I won’t be looking extraordinarily fabulous, so I can go out with my friends and act like I’m absolutely wonderful on my own.  In fact, when my hubby gets home, I’ll probably have already slipped into something a little more comfortable.  By comfortable, I mean the fuzzy, super warm pjs my mom got me for Christmas.  Nothing sexy about them… unless you think powder blue plaid is sexy.  Bahaha.  If you do, then you have other issues.

Oh, great. Now I’m starting to feel bad for my hubby. How the hell did that happen? Should I really rethink my choice of pajamas? It’s not that I don’t have a lovely hoard of silky, lacy things that leave nothing to the imagination. But I’m not the 20 year old, hot little thing I once was, and my hubby is not the buff, mysterious, sex machine he was when I met him. (more…)

A Twist of Fate – Book 3: The Twisted Trilogy

Silly me.  I just realized that I’ve never actually posted my e-book cover for A Twist of Fate on here. Ta da!!! Here it is. What do you think? No naked men. Are you shocked? Upset? Relieved that I came out with something a little more sophisticated?a twist of fate - ebook cover

For those of you who might be a little disappointed, just a wee bit, I’ll make you feel better by giving you a taste of my synopsis.  Mind you I just literally finished typing it, so it is most absolutely subject to change. 🙂


Edwin Santora is the kind of man every woman wants to be “friends” with.

He was Abigail’s first love, the love of her life, but when the devastatingly handsome Edwin admitted he just wasn’t ready to settle down and have kids, Abigail was left back at ground zero surrounded by the remnants of her shattered heart.  Convinced that he can win Abigail back, Edwin bides his time and waits for his chance to reclaim her body and her heart.

Cameron Clarke is what dreams are made of.

He was the man of Abigail’s dreams and she was smitten.  She hadn’t actually expected that he would fall for her, but he did; which only makes the clean-up that much messier after he drops a bomb that shocks everyone.  Lost without her, and with his motherless little girl’s broken heart on the line, Cameron’s determined to stop Edwin from stealing his future; but is it too late for him?

Torn between these two men who stand to give her everything she ever wanted, who will Abigail choose?

So, does it intrigue you?  Maybe just a little bit?  Fingers crossed that this baby will be ready for publication in December!!

I’m Still Here :)

I’ve been really busy lately, but I’m still here, in case you started to worry. 😉

Just yesterday I finished my first edit of A Twist of Fate, book 3 in The Twisted Trilogy!!  Exciting, right?  I thought so too, until I got to my epilogue, which I came to realize was only a small collection of thoughts and not written out at all.  In other words, what I had planned out in my head, had never actually made it to paper and I found myself struggling to find the right words to make it as fabulous as I know it can be.  I was even satisfied with it all when I was done putting it to paper, except for one very important issue that has been gnawing away at my progress.

When it came to the final words of the hero, the winner of the love triangle, being the very last line of The Twisted Trilogy, he wouldn’t spit out the right thing!!  I’m even finding it difficult to get back to my imaginary movie theatre (aka dreamland) to find my muse and make him tell me the words he’s going to say.  I’m not a very patient girl. :/  I threw something together and it’s pretty good, but I refuse to settle for pretty good!!  This line has to been the best damn line he’s spewed throughout this entire story, if you ask me.  I want it to be everything.  I’m still working on that. (more…)

Just A Kiss?

Edwin or Cameron?   Who do you think **** (‘he’) is? Read the short excerpt and play along.  Come on, it’ll be fun.  🙂  But you’ll have to read Twist and Turn to find out for sure. 😉 COMING SOON.

****’s haunting eyes never left mine as the office fell eerily silent, except for the random curse of staff trying to wrap up their work before the battery backup shut down.  The hydro didn’t flash back on; not even a flicker.  My eyes were wide, then tried to focus on the man before me.

Don't Talk Just Kiss
Don’t Talk Just Kiss (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

**** drew closer to me yet, until his face was so close to mine I could feel his warm breath. I closed my eyes and gulped, not knowing what to expect next. He brushed his fingers under my chin and cautiously kissed my upper lip. His mouth made a soft smooching sound that jump started my heart.

That soft kiss was so electrically charged that I wondered if the entire office had felt it. I was overwhelmed with emotions: confusion, excitement and relief. My feelings toward him came rushing back like a tsunami, as his mouth touched mine again. The sparks flying between us could have serviced the whole office. (more…)

A Twist and Turn Teaser

ashley greene kellan lutz push premiere

ashley greene kellan lutz push premiere (Photo credit: Anthony Citrano)

Chapter Four Teaser: (Edwin and Abigail)
I pressed my lips into a sour smile. “Eddie, the cab sounds like a good start. But I told you I don’t have a date. We can go there together, but that’s as far as it goes. After that, you’re a free man.”

A smile crept over his mouth, lighting up his miserable face. “I’m already a free man baby.”

I slapped him on the shoulder and for a minute I started to believe that everything was going to be okay.

“Seriously though, I won’t be doing anything more to hold you back,” he said. “That night we will go to the party together, but we’re going single. I’m saying you can do whatever or whoever you want, without feeling guilty. I’m done shooting daggers at every guy that hits on you.” (more…)

There’s A New Sheriff In Town

CO - Denver Sheriff Badge

CO – Denver Sheriff Badge (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Woo hoo!! So I just finished edit number one of book two in The Twisted Trilogy. I’m really quite excited about it. Twist and Turn is well on its way to publication. And I love it!! I even managed to give it a happy-for-now ending. Oh, but just wait for book three!!

I almost want to keep on editing right into book three, A Twist of Fate, just so I can remember all of the crazy good scenes I had written. But I am determined to get one more round of editing out of the way for this book, so I can get it out to my beta readers.

For those of you who have read Twisted, you know it is largely about the relationship between Abigail and Edwin, entirely from Abigail’s perspective. In Twist and Turn I decided to mix it up. Oh, was that ever fun!! (more…)

Share the Love

Love heart uidaodjsdsew

Love heart uidaodjsdsew (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Thank you so much for all your support!! Whether you have purchased my book, shared the news or given me your writing advice from your informative and inspiring blogs, you’ve all been a major part of my self-publishing journey thus far, whether you realize it or not. For that I thank you. (more…)