motorcycle romance

Twisted Desire Book Trailer

Have you had the chance to check out Twisted Desire yet? It’s receiving rave reviews.

5.0 out of 5 stars AMAZING FANTASTIC HOT HOT HOT July 21 2014

By MarthaPublished on
Format:Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I loved it!! I could not put this book down, WOW. Harley, a private investigator meets his match in Aliah. She is one tough woman, and she gives him a run for his money!!
5.0 out of 5 stars I loved Abby and Edwin in the first 3 books and … July 27 2014
By JocelynPublished on
Format:Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
OMG!!!…once again Christa Simpson has outdone herself! I loved Abby and Edwin in the first 3 books and I must admit that the only reason I purchased book 4 was because it was a part of the series and I was hoping for more of Abby and Edwin… I think I love this book more! I love Ally and Harley and all the action! I couldn’t put it down! It is a must read and I look forward to book 5!!!

Don’t believe them? Have a look for yourself. 🙂 🙂





That smile is a weapon, I tell you.  He needs to put that thing away before she’s forced to do something that will give him a good reason to smile that wickedly.  BUY NOW!!! –>