movie review

Movie Review: Despicable Me 2

MY REVIEW:despicable me 2

Despicable Me 2 is a feel good movie for the whole family that will have you smiling and laughing throughout. Everyone will find satisfaction in the happy ending. Love this movie! I highly recommend you watch it at any age! Everyone needs a little minion humour in their life. 😉


Movie Review: This Means War (2012)

I finally buckled down and bought Netflix and boy was I pleasantly surprised to find this movie.

Here are three reasons why you might like it too (or maybe not). 😉

     A.  CIA is hot;

     B.  Tom Hardy is hot;

     3.  Chris Pine is hot (especially when he’s hugging it out with Tom Hardy).

My Review:

This movie had action, comedy and romance; a perfect combination. If you’re wondering where the war part comes in, it has to do with the love triangle. Lauren (Reese Witherspoon) has a best friend who thinks she needs to lighten up and date more often, so she posts her raunchy college photos on an online dating site. Lauren gets lots of hits, but refuses to use the site.  As she goes to shut the laptop down, one guy catches her attention. The sexy CIA agent, Tuck (Tom Hardy), who claims to be a boring travel agent, goes for coffee with her.  His best buddy, FDR (Chris Pine), who is also CIA, hangs out nearby to save him if it doesn’t go well. After getting the go ahead to leave, since everything is going just great, FDR scopes out the ladies at the movie store around the corner. Little does he know that Tuck’s girl has headed straight there after their coffee date. (more…)