Nicole Colville

Review: Hidden Truths by Nicole Colville


I’ve read a M/M romance before, but it was nothing compared to this. Nicole is unafraid to push the envelope, her delivery is wholehearted, and she just tells her story like it is… dirty, gritty and erotic. Allow me to reiterate that this story is INCREDIBLY hot. I dared think I could pull the STRAIGHT GIRL move at first and try to picture one of the men as a woman. Nope. Did not work. The incredibly descriptive act of body parts touching just does not allow for it. 1 - hidden truths (more…)

Hidden Child by Nicole Colville – WARNING This story is very real.

Told from the child’s perspective, this story is guaranteed to tug at your heart strings.  Add it to your Goodreads shelves now!!

hidden child

Here’s my 5 star review for Nicole Colville’s Hidden Child:

This is a must read!! It touches on so many issues from the child’s perspective; child abuse, mental illness, a child’s struggle with loving a parent who continues to wrong him.I’ve never read anything quite like it, but it is so real.I wasn’t sure that I’d enjoy reading a story from a child’s perspective, especially since I mostly enjoy romance novels, but I found myself having to read this story to the end.  It was all encompassing.  In fact, there are a couple of vivid images that I would prefer to forget, but I can’t.

Terribly saddening, but very well written. Read it to see what I mean.