
Tour: Finding Destiny by Christa Simpson

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Finding Destiny by Christa Simpson

finding destiny

Publication Date: February 13th, 2014
Genre: Steamy Contemporary Romance

Skylar has rules. He has never strayed from those rules. And yet Destiny has him breaking every last one of them.

Destiny was looking forward to a bit of solitude in the north. She figured surrounding herself with her two besties, at an expensive spa retreat, would beat away the winter blues. That was the plan. Destiny liked plans. But plans don’t always work out the way you want them to.

Skylar never expected to find three ladies trudging through the snow. But after finding them stranded, in the middle of nowhere, during the biggest snow storm of the year, he’s forced to invite Destiny and her friends back to his cabin. Though he tried to ignore what was subtly unravelling between them, he couldn’t discount their attraction. The way Destiny could read into his thoughts…

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Finding Destiny is LIVE!!!

You must read this steamy Valentine’s day novella!!  It’s only $0.99 for a limited time!! ❤ ❤



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What readers are saying about Finding Destiny…

Review by: Shana Vernon  starstarstarstarstar

Incredible read!  I am Destiny in a nutshell; with the exception of the job loss, fantastic spa retreat, and slutty friend. Oh, and I’ve been stranded in the snow, but hot guys on snowmobiles did not come to my rescue lol.  All that aside, I definitely connected with a girl lonely on Valentines day, who gave up on love, and just wanted to relax with her girls and find direction.  If that’s ever been you then this book is a must read.  Or if you’re looking for a new book boyfriend Skylar is grade A prime choice angus steak! 😉

Review by:   Sarah Sheehan  starstarstarstarstar

Absolutely amazing.  I loved it!  I can’t wait for your next book, Christa.  You are such a talented writer!

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If you’d like to read more, please visit my book page.

Cover Reveal: Finding Destiny

Finding Destiny - ecover

A Valentine’s Romance

Expected Release: February 14, 2014

Add it to your Goodreads shelves now!!


Skylar has rules.  He has never strayed from those rules.  And yet Destiny has him breaking every last one of them.

Destiny was looking forward to a bit of solitude in the north.  She figured surrounding herself with her two besties at an expensive spa retreat would beat away the winter blues.  That was the plan.  Destiny liked plans.  But plans don’t always work out the way you want them to.
Skylar never expected to find three ladies trudging through the snow.  But after finding them stranded, in the middle of nowhere, during the biggest snow storm of the year, he’s forced to invite Destiny and her friends back to his cabin.  Though he tried to ignore what was subtly unravelling between them, he couldn’t discount their attraction.  The way Destiny could read into his thoughts and the way his jealousy raged at the thought of his brother taking her to his bed, he knew he had better stake his claim.
But when tragedy strikes, torn from her arms at lightning speed, Skylar’s left to wonder whether he would ever find his destiny.

skylar - powerwalk


He Can Hold Me Captive Any Day

Captive at ChristmasSo I just finished reading ‘Captive at Christmas’ by Danielle Taylor.  I tell you, it doesn’t need to be Christmas time to read this steamy novella.

Summary:  Mac’s house is under renovation and so he’s staying at a quaint cabin for a few weeks until the work is complete. Little does he know that Hannah also booked the luxury cabin for that time. He seems to have serious trust issues and thinks she’s some kind of spy or assassin and in turn holds her captive on her two week vacation.

Log Cabin - Camp Petosega

Log Cabin – Camp Petosega (Photo credit: Odalaigh)

Though their relationship starts out with a gun to her head, Hannah seemed to be a rather willing victim and if you knew what this guy looked like, so would you. He is such a sexy bad ass that you can’t help but like him. (more…)