
My Not-so-secret NaNoWriMo Project

For those of you who don’t know #NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. The entire point of the program is for writers to start a new novel on November 1, track their progress, and write a 50,000 word novel in a month!

NaNoWriMo Icon

I didn’t sign up on the formal website, because I wanted to spend my time writing rather than worrying about how to track it on their site. Instead, I secretly opened a new OneNote Notebook electronically, in preparation I outlined the entire story from start to finish with bullet points of what has to happen when, so on November 1st I could get down to business.

Oh, wow, did my plan ever work!

Guess who won NaNoWriMo at 1:04 a.m. this morning?

Novembers are always hectic for me, but this year I decided to take the plunge and join hundreds of thousands of writers who do this every year. You won’t believe which story I’ve written!
