
Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

You know the saying that goes a little something like this?

If you do what you have always done, you will get what you’ve always gotten.

Many people attribute this quote to Anthony Robbins, Henry Ford, and even Albert Einstein. The point to be taken away here is:

If you want something you’ve never had, then you must do something you’ve never done.



You know me, always trying new things. With my newest book, which I’ve been sitting on since June 2015 due to its unusual nature, I’ve decided to try something drastic. I want to grow my reader base. I want to get my books in front of lots and lots of faces. This plan could fail miserably and ruin my book launch, or maybe something truly amazing will happen. I’ll never know unless I try. (more…)

Push My Buttons

I pushed that publish button and I liked it. 😉  I’m kidding actually.  My publishing experience this go around was horrific.  My documents for A TWIST OF FATE were all formatted perfectly, exactly as each respective distributor indicated in their guide and yet neither of them were able to process my upload!!

To my relief (and near insanity) they are both now in process for premium distribution.  You can get your copy now on Smashwords or, if you are holding out for Amazon, it will go live anywhere between now and 10 p.m.!!!

a twist of fate - new release


Where do you draw the line?


Writing (Photo credit: jjpacres)

So you’ve spent countless hours learning how to write a rockin query letter and a slammin synopsis.  You think you finally nailed it.  And then, after a rewrite and two edits later, you are certain it is ready.  Until you hit the dreaded SUBMIT button. (more…)

Indie vs. The Publishing Co. – I did not sign up for this…

So I’ve finished editing my manuscript and my friendly readers have weighed in their opinions. I’m ready to publish, but where am I supposed to go from here??!!

After reading the tweets of so many indie authors, I thought I would try my hand at self-publishing with Smashwords… but have you read the fine print? I really have trouble with the “trust the reader” idea. It’s hard to blindly trust all of these random people I’ve never met. Then I got paranoid, thinking someone would steal my indie published work and sell it to a publisher elsewhere in the world. Yeah, it’s a concern of mine. Working in a lawyer’s office I know how difficult it is to prosecute someone outside of the country. Am I overreacting? Likely.
