
A Twist of Fate – Book 3: The Twisted Trilogy

Silly me.  I just realized that I’ve never actually posted my e-book cover for A Twist of Fate on here. Ta da!!! Here it is. What do you think? No naked men. Are you shocked? Upset? Relieved that I came out with something a little more sophisticated?a twist of fate - ebook cover

For those of you who might be a little disappointed, just a wee bit, I’ll make you feel better by giving you a taste of my synopsis.  Mind you I just literally finished typing it, so it is most absolutely subject to change. 🙂


Edwin Santora is the kind of man every woman wants to be “friends” with.

He was Abigail’s first love, the love of her life, but when the devastatingly handsome Edwin admitted he just wasn’t ready to settle down and have kids, Abigail was left back at ground zero surrounded by the remnants of her shattered heart.  Convinced that he can win Abigail back, Edwin bides his time and waits for his chance to reclaim her body and her heart.

Cameron Clarke is what dreams are made of.

He was the man of Abigail’s dreams and she was smitten.  She hadn’t actually expected that he would fall for her, but he did; which only makes the clean-up that much messier after he drops a bomb that shocks everyone.  Lost without her, and with his motherless little girl’s broken heart on the line, Cameron’s determined to stop Edwin from stealing his future; but is it too late for him?

Torn between these two men who stand to give her everything she ever wanted, who will Abigail choose?

So, does it intrigue you?  Maybe just a little bit?  Fingers crossed that this baby will be ready for publication in December!!

I’m Still Here :)

I’ve been really busy lately, but I’m still here, in case you started to worry. 😉

Just yesterday I finished my first edit of A Twist of Fate, book 3 in The Twisted Trilogy!!  Exciting, right?  I thought so too, until I got to my epilogue, which I came to realize was only a small collection of thoughts and not written out at all.  In other words, what I had planned out in my head, had never actually made it to paper and I found myself struggling to find the right words to make it as fabulous as I know it can be.  I was even satisfied with it all when I was done putting it to paper, except for one very important issue that has been gnawing away at my progress.

When it came to the final words of the hero, the winner of the love triangle, being the very last line of The Twisted Trilogy, he wouldn’t spit out the right thing!!  I’m even finding it difficult to get back to my imaginary movie theatre (aka dreamland) to find my muse and make him tell me the words he’s going to say.  I’m not a very patient girl. :/  I threw something together and it’s pretty good, but I refuse to settle for pretty good!!  This line has to been the best damn line he’s spewed throughout this entire story, if you ask me.  I want it to be everything.  I’m still working on that. (more…)

How Do You Get in the Mood…

Mood-2 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

… to write. What did you think I was talking about? Get your mind out of the gutter!!

I just finished reading the post “Some Ideas” by Vy Chazen, wherein she listed some quick pick-me-ups to get into the writing mood. Thank you for that, by the way, since it was my inspiration for this post. I was hoping for some new spectacular ideas and she did provide 12 different scenarios. I tried not to giggle while I read them – I really did – but I couldn’t help but notice how few of those options might actually work for me. Not that I haven’t already tried a couple of them before.

As usual, I’m brimming with optimism as I lay out all the reasons why NOTHING can help me get in the mood. (more…)