
Prologue for Beautifully Broken – Part Two

I promised to share the rest of the Prologue for Beautifully Broken with you, so here it is!

Prologue: Wake Me From This Nightmare (Part Two)

The snow crunches beneath my snowmobile boots, as I cover my bare hand with my glove. The hood lifts without any trouble, which is a relief. I tinker around until I find what appears to be the problem. I wipe the corrosion away from the battery and replace the cap. Honestly, the truck is a mess. It could be a host of things.

I peer around the hood and catch Felicia rubbing her gloved hands together, even though she’s inside the truck. Those fashionable mitts do nothing but look pretty. Lucky for her, we should be out of here in a matter of minutes.

“Give it a try,” I holler.

She glances at me until the fog dissipates from my frosty words. She tries the key once, but the engine still doesn’t turn over.

I hold up a hand to stop her, while I use my other to adjust the connections. Even with my snow gear on, it’s frosty. The snow starts to rain from the heavens, covering the road with a wave of white blankets. The hood of the truck had barely been blocking the wind, when suddenly a blast of snow whips around it and slices across my face. (more…)

BLOGGERS… last chance!


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Aliah with bike

The blurb is now complete.  If it sounds like something you might like to read, please add it to your Goodreads shelves today!

Find the girl.  Trick the girl.  Collect the reward.  His plan was foolproof.


Five Fun Things About Me

So you may not know these five things about me, but Cassandra Janey and Papizilla seem to think you might care.  Let me tell you.

1.  I’m a romance writer who fell in love with her hubby at first sight (of his bulging biceps).  He seems to think there’s more to it than that.  We’ll just let him believe that.  Only teasing honey, you know I love you.  😉
I scrap booked him cuz I'm adorable like that.

That’s my hubby.  I scrapbooked him cuz I’m adorable like that.