
The Secret to Happiness

Whenever I think of self care, I instantly recall the emergency instructions given by flight attendants before an airplane takes off.

Before you help others, you must first help yourself.

In my experience, helping others is next to impossible when there’s turbulence in your own life. If you can’t manage your own situation, how can you possibly help others with theirs?


Photo by Jerry Zhang on Unsplash

Well, I challenge you to take care of yourself first this week. I know it can be hard. I’m a mom, wife, daughter and sister too. It’s the second week of school. Homework and forms and meetings. Oh my! And those work deadlines!

Oh, but I dare you to try.

  • Get 8 hours of sleep tonight.
  • Wake up 30 minutes earlier than you have to tomorrow.
  • Eat breakfast.
  • Bag a lunch.
  • Drink water.
  • Exercise 30 minutes a day.
  • Eat a healthy dinner.
  • Organize a closet.
  • Get rid of something you don’t need.
  • Cuddle with your pet.
  • Enjoy a coffee.
  • Read a book.
  • Phone a friend.
  • Take a deep breath and…
  • SMILE.

Progress, not perfection.

Let’s face it. Self-care, gratitude, and the secret to happiness is within you.

You have so many reasons to be grateful today. Do you have a roof over your head, food on the table, good health, parents, a partner, friend, coworkers, or pets?

Focusing on the bad–what we don’t have–is easy. It’s way harder to remember all the things we take for granted every day, but we must remember to be thankful for all those little things.


There are things some of us forget are a luxury, like Netflix, smart phones, and internet. Hey, I’m not pointing any fingers, I was guilty too.

I was forced to go without internet for a week this year, which meant (more…)