
Mini Q&A: Author Linda Bloodworth

“The author takes us on an emotional rollercoaster ride… Yes, I know we are heading into hell in this book and the author explains her version of hell with great detail. I was hooked by the end of chapter one… once you finish the first book you will want to dive right into this book… if you want a series that will keep you on the edge of your seat… this is the series for you.”

Patricia, Amazon Reviewer

It’s been four years since Linda Bloodworth released her first book, A Raven’s Touch. Now, she’s releasing the sequel, A Raven’s Revenge. I had the opportunity to ask her a few quick questions about it. Check out what she had to say.

Q: What was your writing process like?

Linda: This time I really took my time to research Hell. If someone were to look up my search history they might be concerned. I looked up demon babies, what happens to suicides, various kinds of demons and much more. While I was writing the story I had a literal come to Jesus moment. I suppose one can’t write about angels and demons without letting the subject matter seep in. I lost track of how many times I was sidetracked, going down the rabbit hole to say, and it lead to deep conversations about why we’re here and where we’re going. (more…)

DOUBLE Cover Reveal: A Raven’s Revenge by Linda Bloodworth

It’s been four long years since Linda Bloodworth released her first book, A Raven’s Touch. Today, I’m revealing two new covers for her with special news to follow!

A Raven’s Touch
Justice St. Michaels has a secret. Not only is she the Heaven’s chosen one, but none of her friends are even human. Justice meets mysterious stranger, Darien Raventhorn who says she holds the key to his curse. To avenge a family death, Justice must embrace her birthright, and slay a demon before all Hell breaks loose.

A snippet of A Raven’s Touch:

It started two days ago.

Every night, I hoped to wake up in my bed. Instead, the sound of rushing water always caught my attention. Tiny droplets of mist kissed my skin. Pine needles pricked my bare feet as I shuffled along. This certainly wasn’t my bedroom. The ever-shifting twilight surrounded me. What was I doing in the Rouge Valley forest, again?

A streak of pain crackled through my body, and my head snapped forward. I let out a scream as my back burned like it was on fire. A flock of small birds took to the sky, causing the leaves to shudder. I hugged myself as if I could stop the throbbing. My entire body felt like a fresh wound. With tears in my eyes, I looked up to the Heavens for guidance, but the silence was deafening. To my left, little feet hopped through the bush. I could only imagine what I must have looked like, with long, black hair strung about my pale face, and the dark circles I’d had of late. I’d run away from me, too.

I staggered and wobbled my way to the closest tree, since my feet were half-asleep and not cooperating. The minute my back made contact with the rough bark, a fresh surge of pain bloomed, and I breathed fast and hard to stop myself from passing out.

“Please, just stop,” I begged through the tears.

For a blessed moment, the pain subsided. I let out a deep breath of gratitude. Slowly, something trickled down my back. That didn’t feel like sweat. My hand scrambled like a live wire to investigate. Immediately I felt my fingers become covered in blood, and the rich smell of copper flooded my senses. My fingers circled around to find two bone-hard lumps. Investigating further I felt around them, and I figured they were each the size of a split English muffin. Not too large, but definitely there. I was bleeding again.

“What the…?” I pushed myself off the tree, and my stomach churned from the wet-Velcro sound.

The sun was starting to peek through the tall pines. I was about half a mile from my house. I stepped away from the tree and bit back the urge to throw up. I didn’t even want to think about my blood- crusted back. I had to get home. Every bone in my body wanted to rest, but there was no way I was staying here. Thank goodness the county voted for street lamps, or I really would be lost. My shadow on the pavement stretched far and danced out to the next spotlight. The one-dimensional version of myself was footloose and fancy-free. What I wouldn’t give to not have dangerous night-walking spells.

Soon enough, I was walking up my driveway and heading for the side door. My hand wrapped around the handle, and I quietly pushed the door open. Living in the boonies, we’d never locked our doors, and at this point, I was grateful for small favors. I avoided the squeaking tiles and tiptoed up the stairs to my bedroom, then headed straight into my bathroom. I stripped off my clothes, leaving them like a breadcrumb trail to the shower. As I tried to remove my T-shirt, I winced; my back muscles hurt so bad I almost screamed out. Finally, I managed to shimmy the shirt over my head. The back was ripped and reeked of copper. Wrinkling my nose in disgust, I balled it up and tossed it in the garbage. (more…)

SEXY in the CITY – Did you win the grand prize???

Did you attend the SEXY in the CITY Facebook Event when I did my takeover? There were many prizes up for grabs!

Black and white photo of the beautiful legs in nice stockings ov

Here are my winners:

E-copy of Twisted ~ Keri Monkman ( address required)

E-copy of Twisted Desire & magnet – Charlene Maurice (Pick up at event.)

E-copy of Beautifully Broken ~ Karen Hrdlicka ( address required)

GRAND PRIZE – Paperback of Twisted and swag pack – Crystal Bell (Pick up at event.)

* Please contact me to collect your prize!


It’s not too late to pre-order an autographed paperback for pick up at the Toronto Author Event!


Hope to see you there!

Jaded Little Lies by Christina Channelle

Check out the promo tour for the first full-length novel in Christina’s new adult contemporary series. 

18707455Series: Four Letters #1

Release date: May 15th 2015

Purchase: Amazon


Synopsis via Goodreads:

What do you do when the love of your life is halfway across the world? 


If you’re Jade Reamer, you fill that void with writing depressing song lyrics, hanging out with asshole exes, and re-reading your dead best friend’s diary (morbid, anyone?).


Sexy in the City – Toronto Author Event

Have you heard? There’s a long list of authors coming to Toronto, Canada, for an amazing book event on June 13, 2015. What started out as part of the Angels in Sinners Tour, later changed to Live the Hype, is now being dubbed SEXY IN THE CITY.  Black and white photo of the beautiful legs in nice stockings ov

Don’t miss out! 45+ bestselling authors in one room! You must come to see all this beautiful swag and find some new authors to fan-girl over!

Eh, this is Canada!

It’s no secret, I’m from Canada. But did you know that I sell my books primarily in USD? Pre-order today for fabulous savings.

