twist and turn

Ladies, meet Cameron Clarke!!!

Twist & Turn by Christa Simpson

Twist & Turn by Christa Simpson

Reality slammed me flat in the face when I noticed a client lingering by the empty reception desk. The man was facing away from me and yet he still managed to exude such confidence. The way his short, dark blonde hair was spiked in a sophisticated disarray was incredibly attractive. Then there was the way he stood with his hands casually tucked in the pockets of his expensive, black suit.

I knew I had to approach him.

 “Hi. Can I help you with something?” I blurted, looking forward to setting eyes on that face of his, hopeful that it would be as intriguing as the rest of the package.

He spun around to face me and attacked me with his gorgeous features. I could not believe my eyeballs. His eyebrows hung low over his squinted sunset-shaped eyes. If eyes could smile, then his were beaming at me. Excitement flooded my chest with the instant realization that Taylor, the receptionist, was nowhere to be found.

When he caught my captivated stare, he glanced down momentarily, then wrinkled his sexy forehead, raising his eyebrows and giving me a better look into those gorgeous crystal eyes. Oh. My. God. If possible, this man just got cuter. (more…)

Twist & Turn Cover Reveal

Here it is: my new cover!!! Hot, right?

Cover Designer: Kellie Dennis of Book Cover By Design Cover Designer: Kellie Dennis of Book Cover By Design

Twist and Turn is Book 2 in The Twisted Trilogy. It will be available for purchase on August 1, 2013. Please add it to your Goodreads shelves!!!

Cover Designer: Kellie Dennis of Book Cover By Design Cover Designer: Kellie Dennis                                                                  of Book Cover By Design

If you haven’t read Twisted, not to worry, my betas who hadn’t read book 1 agree that this novel can stand alone. Of course I recommend that you do read #1 first, so you better understand Abby’s conflict and Edwin’s role, and for $0.99 why wouldn’t you??!!

Here are links for book 1:

A special thanks goes out to my cover designer: the fabulous Kellie Dennis of Book Cover By Design.


If you’re looking for a book cover, I highly recommend that you consider her for the job! Check out her site to see the amazing pre-made covers available for purchase right now!

So, what do you think? Do you like it? 😀

Author’s Roundtable: Christa Simpson

Check out my Author’s Roundtable with @Jason_Bournesm.

Jason's Spina Bifida Journey

How did your family and friends feel when they heard you were writing?

A few of my friends were really excited about it; especially after I let them read my first book in The Twisted Trilogy. My family was totally shocked. Even though they believed in me, they really couldn’t imagine me self-publishing my stories. But guess what? I did it!!

What books or stories have you written? Published?

I’ve written three books, which comprise The Twisted Trilogy. To date I have published the first book, Twisted. The second book, Twist and Turn, is tentatively set to release on July 1, with the final book, A Twist of Fate, to follow later this year.

I have some other stories in the works, but they are all in the very early stages, and I’m not even sure which one I will pick up and go with next. There are two very different stories fighting for…

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Paranormal Teaser

Here’s a short excerpt about that paranormal twist I’ve been telling you about in Twist and Turn, book two of The Twisted Trilogy.  It’s a bit of a spoiler, but I think it’s worth it.  No?

Spooky Tree
Spooky Tree (Photo credit: jeff_golden)

“Yo TJ! Did you see that girl who was with me like two seconds ago?” Edwin slurred.

TJ narrowed his eyes like a stoned criminal.

“Tall, brunette, long legs, pig-tails, glasses. Did you see her?”

TJ patted him on his shoulder, a huge smile cracking onto his face. “Right Bro. I saw her alright. In my dreams.”

Edwin shook his head, confusion fogging his brain as TJ laughed at him. He hadn’t dreamt her up; had he? She was real. She had to be real. He could still feel her soft skin on his fingers; taste her purple lips on his tongue. (more…)

Just A Kiss?

Edwin or Cameron?   Who do you think **** (‘he’) is? Read the short excerpt and play along.  Come on, it’ll be fun.  🙂  But you’ll have to read Twist and Turn to find out for sure. 😉 COMING SOON.

****’s haunting eyes never left mine as the office fell eerily silent, except for the random curse of staff trying to wrap up their work before the battery backup shut down.  The hydro didn’t flash back on; not even a flicker.  My eyes were wide, then tried to focus on the man before me.

Don't Talk Just Kiss
Don’t Talk Just Kiss (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

**** drew closer to me yet, until his face was so close to mine I could feel his warm breath. I closed my eyes and gulped, not knowing what to expect next. He brushed his fingers under my chin and cautiously kissed my upper lip. His mouth made a soft smooching sound that jump started my heart.

That soft kiss was so electrically charged that I wondered if the entire office had felt it. I was overwhelmed with emotions: confusion, excitement and relief. My feelings toward him came rushing back like a tsunami, as his mouth touched mine again. The sparks flying between us could have serviced the whole office. (more…)

A Twist and Turn Teaser

ashley greene kellan lutz push premiere

ashley greene kellan lutz push premiere (Photo credit: Anthony Citrano)

Chapter Four Teaser: (Edwin and Abigail)
I pressed my lips into a sour smile. “Eddie, the cab sounds like a good start. But I told you I don’t have a date. We can go there together, but that’s as far as it goes. After that, you’re a free man.”

A smile crept over his mouth, lighting up his miserable face. “I’m already a free man baby.”

I slapped him on the shoulder and for a minute I started to believe that everything was going to be okay.

“Seriously though, I won’t be doing anything more to hold you back,” he said. “That night we will go to the party together, but we’re going single. I’m saying you can do whatever or whoever you want, without feeling guilty. I’m done shooting daggers at every guy that hits on you.” (more…)

Meet My New Man!!

A few suit mean in the city

A few suit mean in the city (Photo credit: Tymtoi)

You asked for it and here it is: a glimpse at Abigail and Cameron’s first meeting in book two of The Twisted Trilogy.

Rough exerpt from Twist and Turn:

I blasted through the vestibule and clambered into the lobby, reality slamming me flat in the face when I noticed a client lingering by the empty reception desk.

The man was facing away from me and yet still managed to exude such confidence. With his short, dark blonde hair, and the way he stood with his hands casually tucked in the pockets of his expensive, shiny black suit, I knew I had to approach him.

I only hoped that when I set eyes on him, his face would be as intriguing as the rest of the package. “Hi. Can I help you with something?” I blurted.

He spun around to face me and attacked me with his gorgeous features. I could not believe my eyeballs. His eyebrows hung low over his squinted sunset-shaped eyes. If eyes could smile, then his were beaming at me. Excitement instantly flooded me with the instant realization that Taylor, the receptionist, was nowhere to be found.

When he caught my dazed stare, he wrinkled his sexy forehead, raising his eyebrows and giving me a better look into those glimmering crystal eyes. Oh my God! If possible, this man just got cuter. (more…)

There’s A New Sheriff In Town

CO - Denver Sheriff Badge

CO – Denver Sheriff Badge (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Woo hoo!! So I just finished edit number one of book two in The Twisted Trilogy. I’m really quite excited about it. Twist and Turn is well on its way to publication. And I love it!! I even managed to give it a happy-for-now ending. Oh, but just wait for book three!!

I almost want to keep on editing right into book three, A Twist of Fate, just so I can remember all of the crazy good scenes I had written. But I am determined to get one more round of editing out of the way for this book, so I can get it out to my beta readers.

For those of you who have read Twisted, you know it is largely about the relationship between Abigail and Edwin, entirely from Abigail’s perspective. In Twist and Turn I decided to mix it up. Oh, was that ever fun!! (more…)

My 30 Days Are Up!!

Holy crap guys, 99 people have added Twisted onto their Goodreads shelves!! One more makes 100. Can you help a sista out? 😉

Twisted by Christa Simpson.
Twisted by Christa Simpson.

Today marks the end of my 30 days since self-publishing my debut novel in The Twisted Trilogy and man am I floored by the response. 😀

Sure, there are mixed reviews, and I can handle that… because there are also some very awesome ones. I didn’t expect to put out a best-seller on my first try, but I also didn’t expect to sell this many copies in one month’s time either!! (more…)