twisted desire

Tomorrow’s the big day!!!

Twisted Desire releases tomorrow and my Facebook event has exceeded 200 attendees! Yay!! Have you joined yet? It’s not too late.

Even if you’ve read all my books, you need to join this event. I’ve opened it up for an amazing day of author takeovers.

in love

Here’s your line up for Saturday, July 19, 2014:

12-1 p.m.          Christa Simpson

1-1:30 p.m.      Lindy ZartSexy man

1:30-2 p.m.      Bev Elle

2-3 p.m.           Kaylee Ryan

3-3:30 p.m.     Paige Matthews

3:30-4 p.m.     Cori Williams

4-5 p.m.           Lori Worley

5-6 p.m.          Olivia Howe

6-7 p.m.          Jessica MacIntyre

7-7:30 p.m.    Patrick Freivald

7:30-8 p.m.    Tiffany Flowers

8-9 p.m.         Christy Newton

9-10 p.m.       Stephanie S. Gresham

10-11 p.m.      Sara V. Zook

 If that alone doesn’t float your boat, then maybe a flash giveaway from these other authors will!

  • Surprise visit from Gabbie S. Duran and more!
  • 1 e-copy of Twisted by Christa Simpson, donated by Gwyneiira’s Book Blog;
  • 1 e-copy of Living Dead Girl by Nessie Strange;
  • I e-copy of Begin Again by Christy Newton;
  • 1 e-copy of Cursed Desires by C.E. Black.

Join now!! –>

P.S. Buy my book tomorrow!! It’ll be on sale at Amazon for a limited time. Get your copy now!! 😀



Are You a Winner?!

Loving couple in the car embracesWelcome to all the newcomers. The Twisted Desire Cover Reveal Party was a success!! Thanks to everyone who came out to show their support. <3 <3


Giveaway #1: ARC of Twisted Desire


COVER REVEAL: Twisted Desire by Christa Simpson

 Twisted Desire - ecover

Title:  Twisted Desire

Author:  Christa Simpson

Release Date: July 19, 2014

Series:  Book #4 in the Twisted Series (stand-alone)

Genre:  New Adult Romance/Romantic Suspense

(18+ due to graphic scenes involving sex, violence
and vulgar language that may be offensive to some readers)


Find the girl… Trick the girl… Collect the reward. His plan was foolproof.


Blog Hop: My Writing Process

When I was asked to join in the MY WRITING PROCESS blog tour by two fellow authors, how could I say no?! Thanks to Jennifer Ammoscato and Gabbie S. Duran for including me. Two fabulous authors right there, with very different writing styles. You should give them each a look, whether you’re into a witty dose of chick-lit or a heart-wrenching romance, they’ve got you covered.

My Writing Process

I’m told I have to answer four specific questions. And I will. But, since Jennifer broke the rules, I figure it’s okay for me to have a free-for-all too. Rather than list the question and follow it with an answer (boorring), I’m just going to have at it. Here goes!

ORGANIZED CHAOS!!! notebook - twisted desire

That’s me. I keep an overall storyline in mind and go hog-wild with it. Let me share a couple of photos with you, which will help you to better understand my madness. The first image to the right is my electronic notebook. Those are just the stories I have hard core ideas for. Those stories must happen. That’s proof right there why it takes me so long to finish anything! And that’s not even the whole of it.

I’m constantly jotting down notes. When a thought comes into my mind, I mentally catalogue it into a story I have in the works. Keep in mind I use the term jot lightly. Most of my notes are written in a fit of inspiration, in a scrawl that even I have a hard time later deciphering. Those notes eventually get entered into my electronic notebook with a mess of other notes under its working book title. In each book tab you’ll find images, quotes, songs… anything that reminds me of my story or inspires me to write more. I won’t come back and organize that file until I’m ready to give it some form and prepare it for writing in MS Word. (more…)