
NaNoWriMo 2015?

I wanted to do NaNoWriMo this year.

Pretty Young Lady Reading A Book On BedI was so pumped after reading a few posts about people getting ready for NaNoWriMo 2015 that I started to layout my style sheet for the new story idea that popped up just in time for the challenge, but here’s the cold hard truth…

I can’t do NaNoWriMo this year.

Romantic or perverted?

I wanted to drop in to let you know I’ve been working on something totally new, crazy and amazing. I’m not ready to spill the beans just yet, until the entire story is outlined, but I believe it already sits at 12,000 words and I’ve only just begun!

I’ll give you a hint: I’m world building right now!!

Let’s just say, what started out as a Young Adult idea has quickly turned into a unique book for adults only! I’ve already apologized to my daughter for cancelling her out of the readership. 😀



Writing your first draft is a labor of love.

I’ve suffered a horrible loss of my WIP, Beautifully Broken (Book 2 in the Destiny Series), yesterday. The file is corrupt. I’ve gone from 32,500 words to 15,000 words – and this is after I’ve recovered bits and pieces from emails, backups of my electronic notes and scraps of paper from the past three weeks that had yet to make it into the shredder. Maybe I should have renamed the story while I still had the chance. Would it have made a difference?

A nightmare is what it is.

Welcome to my world

I’m sharing part of my Prologue with you now, so you can see why I’m so devastated for losing over 17,000 raw words from my first draft. That’s a lot to lose at this stage of the game! Following is 1,355 of Matty’s words that I thought I’d lost forever.

Excerpt from Prologue

Even with my snow gear on, it’s frosty. The snow starts to rain from the heavens, covering the road with a wave of white blankets. Even with the hood of the truck blocking the wind, a blast of snow whips around it and slices across my face.

Felicia rolls down the driver side window and peeks her head outside. “Need any help under there? Whatever you’re doing, it’s not working.”

“I can always use your hands, doll. But not this time. I think I’ve got it. Give it another try.” I catch a look at her smile before she escapes from the blistery weather and reefs on the handle to roll up the window in the truck.

Romantic young beauty as an angel

I’m still smiling, as she revs the engine in the aged truck. I knew it. I am the man. I hear a resounding wail of the horn and imagine that Felicia is celebrating, but then I jump from the loud crackle in the air. A resounding screech echoes through my ears and deafens me, as the hood seems to turn into the mouth of a crocodile and clamps down onto me like vicious jaws. The twisted wreckage wraps around me, and sandwiches my body precariously against my own truck.

Pain sears through my side and bolts right to my foot, as I gasp for air that can’t seem to reach my lungs. Starved for oxygen, dizziness settles in, but it doesn’t even numb the pain screaming across every inch of my lower extremities.

I’m moaning now. It hurts so bad. I don’t know if one can handle a pain like this. I think I’m going to die. That doesn’t sound like such a bad idea right about now. It feels like a waterfall of blood is spilling down my body and I’m suddenly very tired. I’m afraid to close my eyes though. I’m fighting for a breath as it is. If I fall asleep, I’m afraid I might forget to try and breathe at all.

Is a romance just a romance?

Pet Peeve #1: Reading Books Out of Order

There’s nothing worse than really getting into a story only to learn that it wasn’t the first book in the series.  Of course, since you love it so much, you’re bound and determined to read the first book and so you buy it and it’s okay.  But I’m sorry to say, it’s just not the same.  Especially in romances.  It stands true for me to this day.  I’ve picked up book number two in a series on a number of occasions and to date I’ve loved the second more than the first.

Welcome to my world

I don’t know what it is, and maybe it’s just me, but I seem to fall in love with characters in a sequence, just the way the author intends for me to.  By already reading the first set of characters in the next book, I’m already privy to the dynamic of their relationship and I think it steals the nostalgia of their first meeting.  The respect for their journey seems to get lost somewhere along the way, since I already know what the end result will be.


Now, I know that a romance is a romance, and (more…)

Endearments: How do you draw the line between cute and creepy?

Endearments.  Yes or No?

How do you feel about them being used in a romance novel?  Do you use them on a regular basis without even realizing it?  I admit I call my girls names like: hon; sweetie; babe or baby-doll – just to name a few.  But when is it appropriate to use them on adults, and how do you draw the line between cutesy and creepy?

I’m Still Here :)

I’ve been really busy lately, but I’m still here, in case you started to worry. 😉

Just yesterday I finished my first edit of A Twist of Fate, book 3 in The Twisted Trilogy!!  Exciting, right?  I thought so too, until I got to my epilogue, which I came to realize was only a small collection of thoughts and not written out at all.  In other words, what I had planned out in my head, had never actually made it to paper and I found myself struggling to find the right words to make it as fabulous as I know it can be.  I was even satisfied with it all when I was done putting it to paper, except for one very important issue that has been gnawing away at my progress.

When it came to the final words of the hero, the winner of the love triangle, being the very last line of The Twisted Trilogy, he wouldn’t spit out the right thing!!  I’m even finding it difficult to get back to my imaginary movie theatre (aka dreamland) to find my muse and make him tell me the words he’s going to say.  I’m not a very patient girl. :/  I threw something together and it’s pretty good, but I refuse to settle for pretty good!!  This line has to been the best damn line he’s spewed throughout this entire story, if you ask me.  I want it to be everything.  I’m still working on that. (more…)